Tag: university

Moi, lauréat du prix CREIS 2009 ? Vous me faites trop d'honneur…
Quand j’étais petit et je jouais à Monopoly, parfois il m’arrivait de piquer la carte “Vous avez gagné le second… read more Moi, lauréat du prix CREIS 2009 ? Vous me faites trop d'honneur…
Ecole d'été sur Web Intelligence et réseaux sociaux
Appel à participation pour l’École d’été Web Intelligence WI09 http://ecole.web-intelligence-rhone-alpes.org Lieu : Le Buisson / Véranne (Loire) Dates : du… read more Ecole d'été sur Web Intelligence et réseaux sociaux

Cambridge researcher says free social use should prevail over copyright protection
Patricia Akester (University of Cambridge) undertook a project looking at the impact of technological measures on the ability of users… read more Cambridge researcher says free social use should prevail over copyright protection
Links for Education and Social Media (eng, fr, pt)
A Study on the Effective Use of Social Software by Further and Higher Education in the UK to Support Student… read more Links for Education and Social Media (eng, fr, pt)
Mon séminaire EHESS : Réseaux sociaux, organisations et transdisciplinarité
Attention : pour le jour 15 mai 2009 le séminaire aura lieu à 15h en salle 10. Réseaux sociaux et… read more Mon séminaire EHESS : Réseaux sociaux, organisations et transdisciplinarité
Wisconsin student twitters his way to PhD in biomedical engineering
First off this video: What is it all about? Just another day in the Twitter-crazed US media landscape: a high-profiled… read more Wisconsin student twitters his way to PhD in biomedical engineering

Support Prof. Horacio Potel!, or a portrait of the philosopher as a pirate
Addendum, Nov 14, 2009: As of today, we salute the recent decision of the Argentinian court dropping the charges against… read more Support Prof. Horacio Potel!, or a portrait of the philosopher as a pirate
Journée d'étude Approches ethnographiques du Web
JOURNEE D’ETUDE 5 MAI 2009 PRATIQUES ETHNOGRAPHIQUES SUR INTERNET 9H-18H Salle A2 de l’ École Normale Supérieure – Campus Jourdan,… read more Journée d'étude Approches ethnographiques du Web
Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism
The director of NetLab at the University of Toronto, Barry Wellman has a reputation for being a pragmatic, rigurous, and… read more Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism
CfP: Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics
Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics Workshop at the 4th International Conference on Communities and Technologies… read more CfP: Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics