Tag: sociology
‘Digital natives’: it’s an old, old notion…
Debunking the myth of the ‘Digital natives’: my speech at Lift10 conference (Geneva). Computer Kids (1980s), Internet Children (1990s), Digital Natives (2000s). Some of the members of this so-called new generation of computer users are already pushing forty…

R.I.P. Sandro Roventi (1947-2010) (Sunday Sociological Song)
Italian sociologist Sandro Roventi left us. Yesterday he was put to rest in the cemetery of Lambrate (Milan). Sandro was… read more R.I.P. Sandro Roventi (1947-2010) (Sunday Sociological Song)

Max Weber and Bono in a godless world (Sunday Sociological Song)
A Sunday Sociological Song about Max Weber’s « dialectics of disenchantment and reenchantment ». Or about Bono trying to get laid.

What has country music ever done for urban sociology? (Sunday Sociological Song)
Ready for another installment of our cross-blog Sunday Sociological Song? This week, I was looking for a song illustrating Nels… read more What has country music ever done for urban sociology? (Sunday Sociological Song)

This week in Anomie (Sunday Sociological Song)
How would you talk about sociologically-meaningful topics… in music? A Sunday Sociological Song to illustrate Durkheim’s notion of anomie.

Summer readings, cultural revolutions, destructive designs
My interest in the topic of the Chinese Cultural Revolution was jump-started by Tsinghua sociologist Guo Yuhua. In the summer… read more Summer readings, cultural revolutions, destructive designs
Running experiments on Twitter? Don't forget the bug
There’s nothing that error analysis wouldn’t fix. But I prefer to sit here and ponder the epistemological ramifications of the way bugs are impacting the traditional way we make science…
Friendship on Facebook: an ethno-computational approach (Sunbelt XXX presentation)
Very happy to put online our powerpoint presentation – just delivered at Sunbelt international conference, world’s biggest conference on social… read more Friendship on Facebook: an ethno-computational approach (Sunbelt XXX presentation)

Sunbelt Conference: Lake, sun and social network analysis, baby!
Just a quick post to tell you I’m heading to Riva del Garda (Italy). Lake, sun and social network analysis,… read more Sunbelt Conference: Lake, sun and social network analysis, baby!
Autonomie et coopération dans les communautés pro-ana en ligne
Powerpoint de l’intervention d’Antonio Casilli à l’Institut Télécom ParisTech (14 juin 2010) : “Entre autonomie et coopération. Le cas des communautés pro-ana”.