Tag: podcast
[Podcast] New Books Network Podcast: My Interview on “Waiting for Robots” Now Live!
I’m excited to announce that my book talk on Waiting for Robots: The Hidden Hands of Automation is now available… read more [Podcast] New Books Network Podcast: My Interview on “Waiting for Robots” Now Live!
[Podcast] Truly Ethical AI Need Focus on Digital Labor (Dataring, 15 Apr. 2024)
What if, since the 17th century Mechanical Turk, an automaton that gave the impression of playing chess when in fact… read more [Podcast] Truly Ethical AI Need Focus on Digital Labor (Dataring, 15 Apr. 2024)
[Podcast] Extracting Data: My Interview in Historic Italian Independent Broadcaster (Radio Onda Rossa, Feb. 19, 2024)
I was interviewed by Radio Onda Rossa, one of the oldest independent Italian “free” radios. The name of the program… read more [Podcast] Extracting Data: My Interview in Historic Italian Independent Broadcaster (Radio Onda Rossa, Feb. 19, 2024)
[Podcast] Do Human Rights Belong in AI? My Interview with the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (Feb. 15, 2024)
What do labor exploitation, climate change and the colonial past have to do with generative AI? And as a professional… read more [Podcast] Do Human Rights Belong in AI? My Interview with the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (Feb. 15, 2024)
[Podcast] Platform Workers in the Digital Realm: New Interview on the Austrian National Radio (ORF1, 27 Oct. 2023)
On October 27, 2023, ORF1’s program “Matrix” on the the Austrian National Radio, featuring an excerpt from an interview with… read more [Podcast] Platform Workers in the Digital Realm: New Interview on the Austrian National Radio (ORF1, 27 Oct. 2023)
[Podcast] Scared of ChatGPT? ILO Interviews Antonio Casilli on Labor and Technology
United Nations agency International Labor Organization welcomes Antonio Casilli for two episodes (in English and French) of the podcast The… read more [Podcast] Scared of ChatGPT? ILO Interviews Antonio Casilli on Labor and Technology
[Podcast] Interview dans l’émission “Un monde nouveau” (Radio France Inter, 25 juill. 2022)
Quels hommes se cachent derrière les robots ? Réponses avec le sociologue Antonio Casilli, professeur à l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris et… read more [Podcast] Interview dans l’émission “Un monde nouveau” (Radio France Inter, 25 juill. 2022)
![[Podcast] L’automate et le tâcheron (Radio AlterNantesFM, 25 févr. 2021)](https://www.casilli.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/alternantes.png)
[Podcast] L’automate et le tâcheron (Radio AlterNantesFM, 25 févr. 2021)
Antonio Casilli, sociologue, enseignant-chercheur à Télécom Paris, auteur d’En attendant les robots, enquête sur le travail du clic, essai paru… read more [Podcast] L’automate et le tâcheron (Radio AlterNantesFM, 25 févr. 2021)
[Podcast] “Miliardi di schiavi del clic”: intervista a Eta Beta [Rai Radio 1, 31 ott. 2020)
Nella trasmissione dedicata alla tecnologia Eta Beta (Rai Radio 1), ho avuto il piacere di essere ospite al microfono di… read more [Podcast] “Miliardi di schiavi del clic”: intervista a Eta Beta [Rai Radio 1, 31 ott. 2020)
[Podcast] Grand entretien dans “Le code a changé” avec Xavier de La Porte (28 sept. 2020)
COVID, confinement et grande conversion numérique, avec Antonio Casilli Xavier de La Porte Depuis le début de cette épidémie de… read more [Podcast] Grand entretien dans “Le code a changé” avec Xavier de La Porte (28 sept. 2020)