Tag: journal

Posted in Blog Publications

AI’s Labor Paradox Exposed: My Research in Treccani Encyclopedia and MicroMega Journal

I was honored to author the “Digital Labor” (Lavoro Digitale) entry for the Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, a prestigious European academic… read more AI’s Labor Paradox Exposed: My Research in Treccani Encyclopedia and MicroMega Journal

Posted in social capital

Influence, ignorance, and doubt: two scientific articles

For the sake of knowledge and democracy, let doubt and lack of information prevail! At least these are the surprising results of two recently published scientific articles…

Posted in social networks

"Cultures du numérique" : Table ronde pour les 50 ans de Communications (14 juin 2011, 14h)

Pour présenter “Cultures du numérique”, le numéro spécial du cinquantenaire de la revue Communications , une table ronde all-star avec Edgar Morin, Edwy Plenel, Nicole Lapierre, Milad Doueihi, Serge Tisseron et moi-même, à la Maison de l’Amérique Latine (217 bd Saint Germain, Paris 75007), mardi 14 juin 2011, de 14h à 17h.

Posted in body social capital social networks space

Parution de "Cultures du numérique" (Ed. du Seuil)

Le voilà entre mes main : le premier exemplaire de « Cultures du numérique » que j’ai dirigé et dont j’ai le… read more Parution de "Cultures du numérique" (Ed. du Seuil)

Posted in body social capital social networks

The number of my online friends and Dunbar's not-so-hidden scientific agenda

Neocortex matters more than social enhancements à la Facebook, says Robin “Dunbar’s number” Dunbar in a recent article. Will these results get him a Nobel Prize?

Posted in social capital social networks

Friendship changes, but 'friending' stays the same across cultures

Following in Judith Donath and dana boyd’s researches on online friendship and drawing on social network analysis of tie formation, this Hui-Jung Chang article sets up to detect cross-cultural variations in ‘friending’ between a US-based service (Myspace) and a Taiwan one (Wretch).

Posted in body social capital space

My article "A History of Virulence" finally published in Body and Society

Sage journal Body and Society vol 16, n. 4 is finally out! Pardon my enthusiasm, but this issue features my… read more My article "A History of Virulence" finally published in Body and Society

Posted in social capital social networks

Sociologie en boîte vs. analyse des réseaux sociaux

PDF de mon article “‘Petites boîtes’ et individualisme en réseau. Les usages socialisants du Web en débat”, tout juste paru dans Les Annales des Mines, série Réalités Industrielles (novembre 2010).

Posted in Non classé

"An Ethnographic Seduction": our article published on the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology

So here it is, our little “manifesto for qualitative agent-based simulation” is finally out on the now Sage-published Bulletin of… read more "An Ethnographic Seduction": our article published on the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology

Posted in body social networks

"How come it's BLUE?" The origins of James Cameron's Avatar

Superheroes, virtual worlds and hindu gods: a visual genealogy of James Cameron’s Avatar – based on my article “Les Avatars Bleus” (Communications, 2005). For those who don’t speak French. Also, for those who simply can’t be bothered to go through 30 pages of socio-babbling 😉