Tag: interview

Posted in Media features Videos

[Video] Here’s What Happens When You Put a Sociologist and a Computer Scientist in the Same Room (Mediapart, July 28, 2023)

In a video titled “Intelligence artificielle : quels dangers ?” (Artificial Intelligence: What Dangers?), I engage in a dialogue with Ansar… read more [Video] Here’s What Happens When You Put a Sociologist and a Computer Scientist in the Same Room (Mediapart, July 28, 2023)

Posted in Media features

What is ‘AI Anxiety’? My Interview in French Newspaper Libération (June 20, 2023)

In an article titled Après l’éco-anxiété, l’«IA-anxiété» ? (After Eco-Anxiety, ‘AI Anxiety’?), featured in a special issue dedicated entirely to… read more What is ‘AI Anxiety’? My Interview in French Newspaper Libération (June 20, 2023)

Posted in Blog

ChatGPT and Labor Precarization: Interviewed by Swiss Media Heidi.com

I was interviewed in Swiss online media Heidi.com on global labor market and AI. The interview is available in French…. read more ChatGPT and Labor Precarization: Interviewed by Swiss Media Heidi.com

Posted in Media features

Dans l’Humanité, mon interview sur colonialité et travail du clic (9 déc. 2022)

Dans le cadre d’un grand dossier que le quotidien L’Humanité consacre aux travaux de notre équipe de recherche DiPLab, un… read more Dans l’Humanité, mon interview sur colonialité et travail du clic (9 déc. 2022)

Posted in Media features

Dans AlgorithmWatch: Why neofascists love AI (11 oct. 2022)

Josephine Lulamae interviewed me in the website of the NGO AlgorithmWatch about the a trend in European far-right policy: the… read more Dans AlgorithmWatch: Why neofascists love AI (11 oct. 2022)

Posted in Media features

Interview dans Le Monde (21 nov. 2021)

A l’occasion de la parution d’un dossier sur le travail des plateformes, j’ai accordé un entretien à la journaliste Catherine… read more Interview dans Le Monde (21 nov. 2021)

Posted in Media features Videos

[Video] Intervista con la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti (4 dic. 2020)

Intervista condotta da Gabriele Giacomini (Fondazione Giannino Bassetti). Per limitare l’avidità di dati serve una fiscalità del digitale L’obiettivo di… read more [Video] Intervista con la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti (4 dic. 2020)

Posted in Media features Videos

[Video] “La coscienza di classe degli operai digitali”: intervista per Wired Italia

In occasione dell’uscita per i tipi della Feltrinelli di Schiavi del clic. Perché lavoriamo tutti per il nuovo capitalismo?, traduzione… read more [Video] “La coscienza di classe degli operai digitali”: intervista per Wired Italia

Posted in Media features

Na revista Época (Brasil, 20 dez. 2020)

Boeing, Tesla, Mercedez-Benz e Toyota: empresas que estão abandonando ou reduzindo a robotização em suas fábricas e linhas de produção…. read more Na revista Época (Brasil, 20 dez. 2020)

Posted in Media features Videos

[Video] Entrevista al programa “30 minuts” (TV3 Catalunya, 22 nov. 2019)

M’han entrevistat pel programa “30 minuts” (televisió Catalana TV3), sobre el treball de plataformes, el micro-treball i l’economia freelance. El… read more [Video] Entrevista al programa “30 minuts” (TV3 Catalunya, 22 nov. 2019)