Tag: ethics
[Podcast] Truly Ethical AI Need Focus on Digital Labor (Dataring, 15 Apr. 2024)
What if, since the 17th century Mechanical Turk, an automaton that gave the impression of playing chess when in fact… read more [Podcast] Truly Ethical AI Need Focus on Digital Labor (Dataring, 15 Apr. 2024)
My Chapter in New ETUI Book “Artificial Intelligence, Labour and Society”
In March 2024, the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels published the book titled Artificial Intelligence, Labour and Society,… read more My Chapter in New ETUI Book “Artificial Intelligence, Labour and Society”

Les nouveaux défis de l’analyse des réseaux (The Conversation, 2 novembre 2017)
Le 5 et 6 décembre 2017, le colloque Recent Ethical Challenges in Social Network Analysis (RECSNA17) aura lieu à Paris… read more Les nouveaux défis de l’analyse des réseaux (The Conversation, 2 novembre 2017)
Studying pro-ana communities in the social web (LSE seminar and references)
So here’s the powerpoint presentation of yesterday’s LSE seminar. I want to thank the students and faculty of the Institute… read more Studying pro-ana communities in the social web (LSE seminar and references)