- (2025). Waiting for Robots. The Hired Hands of Automation. University of Chicago Press.
- (2019). En attendant les robots. Enquête sur le travail du clic [Waiting for Robots. An Inquiry Into Digital Labor]. Éditions du Seuil.
——[transl. Greek] [Forthcoming 2024] Περιμένοντας τα ρομπότ, Ropi Ekdoseis.
—— [transl. Sp. Am. Lat] Esperando a los robots, LOM.
——[transl. Ar.] (2022) في انتظار الروبوت, El-Maraya.
——[transl. Sp.] Esperando a los robots, Punto de Vista.
——[transl. It.] Schiavi del clic, Feltrinelli. - (2018). Trabajo, conocimiento y vigilancia. 5 ensayos sobre tecnología [Work, Knowledge, and Surveillance. 5 Essays on Technology]. Editorial del Estado.
- (2016). Le phénomène “pro-ana”. Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux [The “pro-ana” phenomenon. Eating disorders and social networks]. Presses des Mines (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2015). Qu’est-ce que le digital labor ? [What is digital labor?]. Editions de l’INA (with Dominique Cardon).
- (2014). Against the hypothesis of the “end of privacy”. An agent-based modelling approach to social media. Springer (with Paola Tubaro & Yasaman Sarabi).
- (2010). Les Liaisons numériques: vers une nouvelle sociabilité? [Digital relationships: towards a new sociability?]. Editions du Seuil.
- (2000). Stop mobbing. Resistere alla violenza psicologica sul luogo di lavoro [Stop Mobbing. Resisting workplace bullying]. DeriveApprodi.
- (1997). La Fabbrica libertina. De Sade e il sistema industriale [The libertine factory. De Sade and the industrial system]. Manifesto Libri.
Edited Special Issues
- (2022). Digital labor and crisis of the wage labor system. Sociologia del lavoro, 163. (with Federico Chicchi & Marco Marrone).
- (2021). Recent Ethical challenges in Social Network Analysis. Social Networks (with Louise M. Ryan, Paola Tubaro, Alessio D’Angelo, online first).
- (2011). Cultures du numérique [Digital Cultures]. Communications, 88.
- (2009). Le corps à l’épreuve des cultures numériques [The Body and Digital Cultures]. Esprit, 353.
Peer-reviewed articles
- [forthcoming 2025] Where does AI come from? A global case study across Europe, Africa, and Latin America, New Political Economy, (with Paola Tubaro, Maxime Cornet, Clément Le Ludec, Juana Torres Cierpe).
- [forthcoming 2025] The Digital Labour of Artificial Intelligence in Latin America. A Comparison of Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. Globalizations, Special Issue on ‘AI in Latin America’ (with Paola Tubaro, Mariana Fernández Massi, Julieta Longo, Matheus Viana Braz, Juana Torres‐Cierpe)
- (2024). [The paradox of AI: the hidden labor of creating a jobless future]. Il paradosso dell’IA: il lavoro nascosto per creare un futuro senza lavoro. MicroMega, 2024(11), 125-136.
- (2024). Who bears the burden of a pandemic? Covid-19 and transfer of risk on digital platform workers. American Behavioral Scientist (with Paola Tubaro, online first).
- (2023) Research Ethics in the Age of Digital Platforms. Science and engineering ethics vol. 29(3), 17 (with José Luis Molina, Paola Tubaro, Antonio Santos-Ortega).
- (2023) The problem with annotation. Human labour and outsourcing between France and Madagascar, Big Data & Society, 10(2) (with Clément Le Ludec & Maxime Cornet)
- (2023) From GAFAM to RUM: platforms and resourcefulness in the global South [French version: Des GAFAM aux RUM : Plateformes et débrouille dans le Sud Global], Pouvoirs, 185, pp. 51-67 (with Juana Torres-Cierpe, Federico De Stavola, Gianmarco Peterlongo).
- (2022). Introduction. Digital labor and crisis of the wage labor system. Sociologia del lavoro, 163, pp. 51-69. (with Federico Chicchi & Marco Marrone).
- (2022) 平台勞動:誰成就了演算法文化 [Platform Labor: Who Makes Algorithmic Culture Possible?]. Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, 43: 1-17 (with Wei-Ping Chen)
- (2022). Hidden inequalities: the gendered labour of women on micro-tasking platforms. Internet Policy Review, 11(1) (with Paola Tubaro, Marion Coville, Clément Le Ludec).
- (2021). Waiting for Robots: The ever-elusive myth of automation and the global exploitation of digital labor. Sociologias, 23(57): 112-133.
- (2020). Social Network Analysis: new ethical approaches through collective reflexivity. Social Networks (with Louise M. Ryan, Paola Tubaro, Alessio D’Angelo, online first).
- (2020). Il n’y a pas d’automatisation sans micro-travail humain [There is no automation without human labor]. Les Mondes du Travail, 24-25: 3-22 (with Stephen Bouquin).
- (2020). Quel statut pour les « petits doigts » de l’intelligence artificielle? Présent et perspectives du micro-travail en France [How to classify AI’s ‘little fingers’? Present and future perspectives of micro-work in France]. Les Mondes du Travail, 24-25: 99-110 (with Clément Le Ludec, Elinor Wahal, Paola Tubaro).
- (2020). Counting ‘micro-workers’: societal and methodological challenges around new forms of labour. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, 14 (1): 67-82 (with Paola Tubaro & Clément Le Ludec).
- (2020). Digital inequalities in time of pandemic: COVID-19 exposure risk profiles and new forms of vulnerability. First Monday, 25(7) (with Laura Robinson et al.)
- (2020). Digital inequalities 3.0: Emergent inequalities in the information age. First Monday, 25(7) (with Laura Robinson et al.).
- (2020). Digital inequalities 2.0: Legacy inequalities in the information age. First Monday, 25(7) (with Laura Robinson et al.).
- (2020). The trainer, the verifier, the imitator: Three ways in which human platform workers support artificial intelligence. Big Data & Society, 7(1) (with Paola Tubaro & Marion Coville).
- (2019). En la trastienda de la inteligencia artificial. Una investigación sobre las plataformas de micro-trabajo en Francia [Behind the scenes of artificial intelligence. An investigation on micro-work platforms in France. Arxius de Ciències Socials. 41: 85-108 (with Paola Tubaro, Clément Le Ludec, Elinor Wahal).
- (2019). Micro-work, artificial intelligence, and the automotive industry. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 46(3): 333–345 (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2019). De la classe virtuelle aux ouvriers du clic. La servicialisation du travail à l’heure des plateformes numériques [From the virtual class to clickworkers. Labor-as-a-service in the wake of digital platforms]. Esprit, 454: 79-88.
——[transl. Rom.] Lettre Internationale, 110: 16-19.
——[transl. Port.] Matrizes, 14(1): 13-22. - (2019). El capitalismo de las plataformas y las nuevas desigualdades [Platform capitalism and new inequalities]. Temas, 97: 75-86 (with Beatriz Pérez Alonso, Pedro Urra, Raúl Garcés).
- (2018). Létezik-e digitális munkakultúra? A munka marginalizációja, globális egyenlőtlenségek és kolonialitás [Is There a Global Digital Labor Culture? Marginalization of work, global inequalities, and coloniality]. Fordulat, 23: 122-153.
- (2017). Digital Labor Studies Go Global: Toward a Digital Decolonial Turn. International Journal of Communication, 11, Special Section Global Digital Culture: 3934–3954.
- (2017). You see yourself like in a mirror’: The effects of internet-mediated personal networks on body image and eating disorders. Health Communication, 33(9): 1166-1176 (with Francesca Pallotti, Paola Tubaro, Thomas W. Valente).
- (2017). How Venture Labor Sheds Light on the Digital Platform Economy. International Journal of Communication, 10: 2067-2070.
- (2017). De la firme à la plateforme: penser le digital labour [From Firm to Platform: Thinking Digital Labor]. Poli, 13: 42-51 (with Florian Vörös).
- (2015). S’inscrire en faux: les fakes et les politiques de l’identité des publics connectés [Objecting: fakes and identity politics of connected publics]. Communication, 33(2) (with Fred Pailler).
- (2015). Voir pour comprendre et comprendre pour voir [Seeing to understand and understanding to see]. I2D – Information, données & documents, 52 (2):88-89.
- (2015). Dr. Popp et la disquette Sida. Sociologie d’une affaire hacker [Dr Popp and the Aids floppy disk. Sociology of a hacking scandal]. Terrain, 65: 3-17.
- (2014). How to build consensus in a health-oriented online community: modelling a “pro-ana” forum. Revue Française de Sociologie, 55(4): 731-764 (with Juliette Rouchier & Paola Tubaro).
- (2014). Anthropologie et numérique: renouvellement méthodologique ou reconfiguration disciplinaire? [Anthropology and the digital: new methods or changing fields of knowledge?]. Anthrovision, 1(1).
- (2014). How to Talk about Media You Haven’t Understood. Journal of Visual Culture, 13(1): 26-28.
- (2014). Eliciting personal network data in web surveys through participant-generated sociograms. Field Methods, 26(2): 107-125 (with Paola Tubaro & Lise Mounier).
- (2013). Contre l’hypothèse de la “fin de la vie privée”. La négociation de la privacy dans les médias sociaux [Against the Hypothesis of the “End of Privacy”. Privacy negotiation in social media]. Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, 3(1).
- (2013). Le Web des troubles alimentaires. Un nouvel art de jeûner? [Eating Disorders Websites. A New Art of Hunger?]. Communications, 92: 111-123.
- (2013). Online networks of eating-disorder websites: why censoring pro-ana might be a bad idea. Perspectives in Public Health, 133(2): 94-95 (with Fred Pailler & Paola Tubaro).
- (2012). Être présent en ligne: culture et structure des réseaux sociaux d’Internet [Online Presence: culture and structure of Internet social networks]. Idées Economiques et Sociales, 169(1): 16-29.
- (2012). Social media censorship in times of political unrest: A social simulation experiment on the UK riots. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 115(1): 5-20 (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2012). Ten years of Ana. Lessons from a transdisciplinary body of literature on online pro-eating disorder websites. Social Science Information, 51(1): 121-139 (with Paola Tubaro & Pedro Araya).
(2010). A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s. Body & Society, 16(4): 1-31. - (2010). ‘Petites boîtes’ et individualisme en réseau. Les usages socialisants du web en débat [‘Little Boxes’ and Networked Individualism: The Debate Around Web Use and Social Cohesion]. Annales de l’Ecole de Mines – Réalités Industrielles, 216 (4): 54-59.
- (2010). ‘An ethnographic seduction’: how qualitative research and agent-based models can benefit each other. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 106(1): 59-74 (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2009). Le Stéthoscope et la Souris: Savoirs médicaux et imaginaires numériques du corps [The Stethoscope and the Mouse: Medical Knowledge and digital Imaginaries of the Body]. Esprit, 353: 175-188.
- (2009). Culture numérique: L’adieu au corps n’a jamais eu lieu [Computer Culture: We have never been disembodied]. Esprit, 353: 151-153.
- (2008). Négocier le plaisir dans la consommation alimentaire: une étude sur trois groupes de migrants de l’aire métropolitaine de Los Angeles [Negotiating pleasure in food consumption: A study on three migrant groups in Los Angeles Metropolitan Area]. Cahiers de l’OCHA, 13: 108-116 (with Sylvie Sanchez, Paola Tubaro, Nicolas Antille).
- (2008). Status and use of food products with health claim (FPHC) in the USA, France and Japan: An anthropological perspective. Food Quality & Preference, 19(8): 682–691 (with Sylvie Sanchez).
- (2005). Les avatars bleus. Autour de trois modalités d’emprunt culturel au sein de la cyberculture [Blue avatars. About three modalities of cultural borrowing in computer culture]. Communications, 77: 183-202.
——[transl. Gr.] In Μεθοδολογία Έρευνας και Διαδίκτυο. Ekdoseis I Sideris. - (2004). ‘Posthumani nihil a me alienum puto’: Le discours de l’hospitalité dans la cyberculture [‘No posthuman feature is unfamiliar to me’: The discourse of hospitality in cyberculture]. Sociétés, 83: 97-116.
- (2002). Interfaces bestiales. Le rôle et la place des animaux dans l’imaginaire des mondes virtuels [Beasty Interfaces: The role and place of animals in the narratives of virtual worlds]. Espaces et Sociétés, 110-111: 59-85 (with Corinne Boujot).
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- [forthcoming 2025] [The hidden work of artificial intelligence: microworkers the new digital subjects] El trabajo oculto de la inteligencia artificial: microtrabajadores los nuevos sujetos digitales. In Álvaro Jiménez, Francisco Pizarro & Rodrigo De La Fabián (eds.) ¿Somos sujetos digitales? Algoritmos, sabres psi y la digitalización de la vida cotidiana, Ediciones UDP – Universidad Diego Portales (with Juana Torres-Cierpe & Paola Tubaro).
- [forthcoming 2025] [Excavating artificial intelligence, and then what? Taking the hypothesis of digital extractivism literally] Excaver l’intelligence artificielle, et après ? Prendre au pied de la lettre l’hypothèse de l’extractivisme numérique, in Olivier Alexandre & Benjamin Loveluck (eds.), Capitalisme Numérique et Idéologie, C&F (with Filippos Triantafyllou) (accepted).
- [forthcoming 2025] Global Inequalities in the Production of AI: A Four-Country Study on Data Work. In Jack Qiu, Shinjoung Yeo, Richard Maxwell (eds.), Handbook of Digital Labor, Wiley Blackwell (with Paola Tubaro, Matheus Viana-Braz, Juana Torres-Cierpe, Clément Le Ludec & Maxime Cornet; accepted).
- [forthcoming 2025] Digital labor: The inconspicuous production of artificial intelligence, In Ergin Bulut, Julie Chen, Rafael Grohmann, and Kylie Jarrett (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Digital Labour, Sage (accepted).
- (2024). [Digital Labor] Lavoro Digitale. In: Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Undicesima appendice Volume secondo I-Z, pp. 99-103. Rome: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana “Giovanni Treccani”.
- (2024) [Making data: the invisible work behind Artificial Intelligence] Fabricar os dados: o trabalho invisibilizado por trás da Inteligência Artificial. In Laura Valle Gontijo & Ricardo Colturato Festi (eds.), Trabalho e teoria social, Boitempo (with Matheus Viana Braz & Paola Tubaro) (accepted).
- (2024) [Forgetting Deliveroo. Present-day Significance of Remote and Micro-work Platforms in the Digital Ecosystem] Dimenticare Deliveroo. L’Importanza odierna delle piattaforme di lavoro a distanza e di micro-lavoro nell’ecosistema digitale. In [Work in the time of algorithms] Il lavoro al tempo degli algoritmi, Milan, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli: 77-94.
- (2024) ‘End-to-End’ Ethical Artificial Intelligence Taking into account the social and natural environments of automation. In Aida Ponce Del Castillo, Artificial intelligence, labour and society, Brussels, ETUI: 91-100
- (2023) [Clickwork, work without qualities?] Travail du clic, travail sans qualités ?. In: Catherine Courtet, Contes mondes récits, Paris: ANR, pp. 227-242 (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2023) [“Should workers be afraid of AI?] “Les travailleurs doivent-ils avoir peur de l’intelligence artificielle ?”. In Marie-Anne Dujarier (ed.), Idées reçues sur le travail, Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu Éditions, pp. 187-188.
- (2023) [“Robots will soon replace workers] “Les robots vont bientôt remplacer les travailleurs”. In Marie-Anne Dujarier (ed.), Idées reçues sur le travail, Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu Éditions, pp. 181-186.
- (2023) [Preface] Prefazione. In: Gabriele Giacomini & Alex Buriani, Il governo delle piattaforme. I media digitali visti dagli italiani, Milan: Meltemi.
- (2022) Human Listeners and Virtual Assistants: Privacy and labour arbitrage in the production of smart technologies. In Fabian Ferrari & Mark Graham (eds), Digital Work in the Planetary Market, MIT Press: 175-190 (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2022) Plateformes numériques [Digital Platforms]. In Didier Fassin (ed.), La Société qui Vient, Éditions du Seuil: 185-201.
- (2021) Il n’y a pas d’intelligence artificielle, il n’y a qua le travail du clic de quelqu’un d’autre [There is no artificial intelligence, it’s just somebody else’s digital labor]. In Pascal Savoldelli (ed.). Ubérisation, et après ?, Editions du Détour: 33-55.
- (2021) Preface. In Elinor Wahal (ed.) Proceedings of Unboxing AI: Understanding Artificial Intelligence INDL-3 Conference, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli: 1-4.
- (2021) Qu’est-ce qu’une intelligence artificielle “réellement éthique”? [What is a “really ethical” AI?]. Proceedings of the Technologies Emergentes et Sagesse Collective (TESaCo) Conference, Institut de France, Paris: 71-78.
- (2020) Portraits of micro-workers: The real people behind AI in France. 2nd Crowdworking Symposium 2020, Research program “Digital Future”, Universities of Paderborn and Bielefeld, Paderborn, DE (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2020). Economia, genealogia e conflitti del capitalismo delle piattaforme [Economy, Genealogy, and Conflicts in Platform Capitalism]. In Niccolò Cuppini & Maël Dif-Pradalier (eds). La digitalizzazione del lavoro. Sguardi globali, nuove forme e nuovi attriti, impatto sul lavoro sociale, SUPSI: 60-64.
- (2020). Le travail à inégales distances [Remote Work and Occupational Inequalities]. In Par ici la sortie !, Editions du Seuil: 147-153.
- (2020), Preface to Sarah T. Roberts’s, Derrière les écrans [Behind the Screens, Yale University Press, 2019], La Découverte.
- (2020). Preparare, verificare, imitare: perché il lavoro umano è necessario alla produzione di intelligenze artificiali [Preparing, verifying, imitating: why human labor is necessary to produce AI]. Proceedings of the workshop L’enigma del valore, Casa della Cultura, Milan: 25-41.
- (2019). The Platformization Of Labor and Society. In Mark Graham & William H. Dutton (eds), Society and the Internet; How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing Our Lives, (2nd edition), Oxford University Press: 293-306 (with Julián Posada).
- (2018). Qualifier, monétiser, automatiser: digital labor et valeur sur les plateformes numériques [Qualifying, monetizing, automating: digital labor and value on digital platforms]. Proceedings of the seminar Formes d’économie collaborative et protection sociale, DARES: 88-95.
- (2018). La plateformisation comme mise au travail des usagers. Digital labor et nouvelles inégalités planétaires [Platformization as Users’ Labor: Digital Transformations and New Global Inequalities]. In Benjamin Coriat, Nicole Alix, Jean-Luis Bancel, Frédéric Sultan (eds), Vers une République des Biens Communs ?, Les Liens qui Libèrent: 41-56.
- (2018). Réinterroger les sciences sociales à l’heure du numérique. Sociabilité, vie privée et digital labor [Questioning social sciences in the digital age. Sociability, privacy, and digital labor]. In Marc-Henri Soulet (ed.), Sociétés en mouvement, sociologie du changement, Presses de l’Université de Laval: 207-230.
- (2017). Digital affective labor: les affects comme ressorts du capitalisme des plateformes [Digital affective labor: affects as inner workings of platform capitalism]. Preface to Camille Alloing & Julien Pierre, Le web affectif. Une économie numérique des émotions, Editions de l’INA: 5-8.
- (2017). Gli esseri umani sostituiranno i robot? Piattaforme di micro-lavoro e intelligenze artificiali [Will humans replace robots? Micro-work platforms and artificial intelligence]. In Andrea Zucca (ed.), 10 idee per convivere con il lavoro che cambia, Fondazione Feltrinelli: 32-43.
- (2017). Il n’y a pas d’algorithme [There is no algorithm]. Preface to Olivier Ertzscheid, L’appétit des géants. Pouvoir des algorithmes, ambitions des plateformes, C&F éditions: 10-19.
- (2017). Enjeux sociaux des Big Data [Social implications of Big Data]. In Mokrane Bouzeghoub & Rémy Mosseri (eds), Les Big Data à Découvert, CNRS Éditions (with Paola Tubaro): 206-207.
- (2016). Quelle protection de la vie privée face aux attaques contre nos libertés numériques? [How to protect privacy from attacks against our digital freedoms?], Proceedings of the conference La France dans la transformation numérique : quelle protection des droits fondamentaux ?, La Documentation Française: 12-19.
- (2015). Le wikipédien, le chercheur et le vandale [The Wikipedian, the academic, and the vandal]. In Lionel Barbe, Louise Merzeau, Valérie Schafer (eds), Wikipédia, objet scientifique non identifié, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest: 91-104.
- (2014). Quatre thèses sur la surveillance numérique de masse et la négociation de la vie privée [Four theses on mass surveillance and privacy negotiation]. In Jacky Richard & Laurent Cytermann (eds), Etude annuelle 2014 du Conseil d’Etat Le numérique et les droits fondamentaux, La Documentation française: 423-434.
- (2014). Fracture numérique [Digital Divide]. In Alain Bihr & Roland Pfefferkorn (eds) Dictionnaire des inégalités, Armand Colin: 172-173.
- (2013). Le lien social à l’ère du web 2.0 [Social cohesion and web 2.0]. Proceedings of the conference e-Education, ESEN, Poitiers: 11-13.
- (2013). Relazioni sociali e reti digitali [Social ties and digital networks]. Proceedings of the conference Il corpo e la rete, strumenti di apprendimento interculturale, Fondazione Intercultura, Florence: 61-72.
- (2012). L’administration en réseau, entre réconciliation participative et sursauts régaliens [E-government, Between Participatory Reconciliation and State Prerogative Outbursts]. Proceedings of the Conference Génération Y et gestion publique : quels enjeux ?, IGPDE Paris: 55-66.
- (2012). Comment les usages numériques transforment-ils les sciences sociales? [How do digital technologies transform social sciences?]. In Pierre Mounier (ed.), Read/Write Book 2, OpenEdition Press: 239-247.
- (2011). Usages numérique en santé : conflictualité épistémique et sociale dans les communautés de patients en ligne [Health-oriented Digital Device Use: Epistemic and Social Conflictuality in Online Communities]. Proceedings of the workshop Euro Cos Humanisme et Santé 2011, Editions de Santé: 181-191.
- (2011). La surveillance participative [Participatory Surveillance]. Problèmes politiques et sociaux, 988, La Documentation Française: 21.
- (2011). Le cyber-adultère [Cyber-cheating]. Problèmes politiques et sociaux, 984, La Documentation Française: 39.
- (2011). Pratiquer la transdisciplinarité dans la discipline. Temporalité, territorialité et réalisme des professions scientifiques [Practicing transdisciplinarity within the discipline. Temporality, territoriality and realism in scientific careers]. In Frédéric Darbellay & Therese Paulser (eds) Au miroir des disciplines. Réflexions sur les pratiques d’enseignement et de recherche inter- et transdisciplinaires, Peter Lang: 65-81.
- (2010). Technologies capacitantes et “disability divide”: Enjeux des usages numériques dans les situations de handicap [Enabling Technologies and “Disability Divide”: Computing and disability]. Proceedings of the Conference Vers la fin du handicap ?, University of Nancy: 501-515.
- (2005). Le débat sur le nouveau corps dans la cyberculture: le cas des Extropiens [The Debate about the New Body in Cyberculture: The Extropian Case]. Proceedings of the Conference Le Corps Extrême dans les Sociétés Occidentales, CNRS Marseille: 297-329.
- (2001). Cooperazione [Cooperation]. In Adelino Zanini & Ubaldo Fadini (eds) Lessico postfordista, Feltrinelli Editore: 68-72.
- (1999). Reddito universale di cittadinanza e riforma della moneta [Universal Citizen Income and Monetary Reform. A Proposal of Citizen Currency e-Wallet]. In Andrea Fumagalli & Maurizio Lazzarato (eds), Tute bianche. Disoccupazione di massa e reddito di cittadinanza, DeriveApprodi: 63-73 (with Yuri Biondi).
Reports and Working Papers
- (2023) [Microwork in Brazil. Who are the workers behind AI?] Microtrabalho no Brasil. Quem são os trabalhadores por trás da Inteligência Artificial?, Report LATRAPS/DiPLab, TRIA Project (with Matheus Viana-Braz & Paola Tubaro).
- (2022). Les Nouveaux Intermédiaires du Travail B2B : comparer les modèles d’affaires dans l’économie numérique collaborative [The New B2B Labour Intermediaries: Comparing business models in the collaborative digital economy]. Final report of the DARES BOBCAT project (with Odile Chagny et al.).
- (2020) Platform-mediated labor in Europe. Intermediary report of the EC SWIRL project (with Maxime Cornet and Mandie Joulin).
- (2019). Le Micro-travail en France. Derrière l’automatisation de nouvelles précarités au travail? [Micro-work in France. Behind Automation, New Forms of Precarious Labour?]. Final report DiPLab (Digital Platform Labor) OPLa (Organizing Platform Labor) project (with Paola Tubaro et al.).
- (2019). How many people microwork in France? Estimating the size of a new labor force. ArXiV (with Clément Le Ludec, Paola Tubaro).
- (2013). Les jeunes et le web des troubles alimentaires: dépasser la notion de ‘pro-ana’. [Young people and online EDs: beyond the notion of ‘pro-ana’]. Final report ANR ANAMIA project (with Lise Mounier, Fred Pailler, Paola Tubaro).
- (2011). Why Net Censorship in Times of Political Unrest Results in More Violent Uprisings: A Social Simulation Experiment on the UK Riots. SSRN (with Paola Tubaro).
- (2020). Invisibles. Les travailleurs du clic [Invisibles. Clickworkers]. 4 episodes 20’, France Télévisions (with Henri Poulain, Julien Goetz).