
  1. (2025). Waiting for Robots. The Hired Hands of Automation. University of Chicago Press.
  2. (2019). En attendant les robots. Enquête sur le travail du clic [Waiting for Robots. An Inquiry Into Digital Labor]. Éditions du Seuil.
    ——[transl. Greek] [Forthcoming 2024] Περιμένοντας τα ρομπότ, Ropi Ekdoseis.
[transl. Sp. Am. Lat] Esperando a los robots, LOM.
    ——[transl. Ar.] (2022) في انتظار الروبوت, El-Maraya.
    ——[transl. Sp.] Esperando a los robots, Punto de Vista.
    ——[transl. It.] Schiavi del clic, Feltrinelli.
  3. (2018). Trabajo, conocimiento y vigilancia. 5 ensayos sobre tecnología [Work, Knowledge, and Surveillance. 5 Essays on Technology]. Editorial del Estado.
  4. (2016). Le phénomène “pro-ana”. Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux [The “pro-ana” phenomenon. Eating disorders and social networks]. Presses des Mines (with Paola Tubaro).
  5. (2015). Qu’est-ce que le digital labor ? [What is digital labor?]. Editions de l’INA (with Dominique Cardon).
  6. (2014). Against the hypothesis of the “end of privacy”. An agent-based modelling approach to social media. Springer (with Paola Tubaro & Yasaman Sarabi).
  7. (2010). Les Liaisons numériques: vers une nouvelle sociabilité? [Digital relationships: towards a new sociability?]. Editions du Seuil.
  8. (2000). Stop mobbing. Resistere alla violenza psicologica sul luogo di lavoro [Stop Mobbing. Resisting workplace bullying]. DeriveApprodi.
  9. (1997). La Fabbrica libertina. De Sade e il sistema industriale [The libertine factory. De Sade and the industrial system]. Manifesto Libri.
Edited Special Issues
  1. (2022). Digital labor and crisis of the wage labor system. Sociologia del lavoro, 163. (with Federico Chicchi & Marco Marrone).
  2. (2021). Recent Ethical challenges in Social Network Analysis. Social Networks (with Louise M. Ryan, Paola Tubaro, Alessio D’Angelo, online first).
  3. (2011). Cultures du numérique [Digital Cultures]. Communications, 88.
  4. (2009). Le corps à l’épreuve des cultures numériques [The Body and Digital Cultures]. Esprit, 353.
Peer-reviewed articles
  1. [forthcoming 2025] Where does AI come from? A global case study across Europe, Africa, and Latin America, New Political Economy, (with Paola Tubaro, Maxime Cornet, Clément Le Ludec, Juana Torres Cierpe).
  2. [forthcoming 2025] The Digital Labour of Artificial Intelligence in Latin America. A Comparison of Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. Globalizations, Special Issue on ‘AI in Latin America’ (with Paola Tubaro, Mariana Fernández Massi, Julieta Longo, Matheus Viana Braz, Juana Torres‐Cierpe)
  3. (2024). [The paradox of AI: the hidden labor of creating a jobless future]. Il paradosso dell’IA: il lavoro nascosto per creare un futuro senza lavoro. MicroMega, 2024(11), 125-136.
  4. (2024). Who bears the burden of a pandemic? Covid-19 and transfer of risk on digital platform workers. American Behavioral Scientist (with Paola Tubaro, online first).
  5. (2023) Research Ethics in the Age of Digital Platforms. Science and engineering ethics vol. 29(3), 17 (with José Luis Molina, Paola Tubaro, Antonio Santos-Ortega).
  6. (2023) The problem with annotation. Human labour and outsourcing between France and Madagascar, Big Data & Society, 10(2) (with Clément Le Ludec & Maxime Cornet)
  7. (2023) From GAFAM to RUM: platforms and resourcefulness in the global South [French version: Des GAFAM aux RUM : Plateformes et débrouille dans le Sud Global], Pouvoirs, 185, pp. 51-67 (with Juana Torres-Cierpe, Federico De Stavola, Gianmarco Peterlongo).
  8. (2022). Introduction. Digital labor and crisis of the wage labor system. Sociologia del lavoro, 163, pp. 51-69. (with Federico Chicchi & Marco Marrone).
  9. (2022) 平台勞動:誰成就了演算法文化 [Platform Labor: Who Makes Algorithmic Culture Possible?]. Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, 43: 1-17 (with Wei-Ping Chen)
  10. (2022). Hidden inequalities: the gendered labour of women on micro-tasking platforms. Internet Policy Review, 11(1) (with Paola Tubaro, Marion Coville, Clément Le Ludec).
  11. (2021). Waiting for Robots: The ever-elusive myth of automation and the global exploitation of digital labor. Sociologias, 23(57): 112-133.
  12. (2020). Social Network Analysis: new ethical approaches through collective reflexivity. Social Networks (with Louise M. Ryan, Paola Tubaro, Alessio D’Angelo, online first).
  13. (2020). Il n’y a pas d’automatisation sans micro-travail humain [There is no automation without human labor]. Les Mondes du Travail, 24-25: 3-22 (with Stephen Bouquin).
  14. (2020).  Quel statut pour les « petits doigts » de l’intelligence artificielle? Présent et perspectives du micro-travail en France [How to classify AI’s ‘little fingers’? Present and future perspectives of micro-work in France]. Les Mondes du Travail, 24-25: 99-110 (with Clément Le Ludec, Elinor Wahal, Paola Tubaro).
  15. (2020). Counting ‘micro-workers’: societal and methodological challenges around new forms of labour. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, 14 (1): 67-82 (with Paola Tubaro & Clément Le Ludec).
  16. (2020). Digital inequalities in time of pandemic: COVID-19 exposure risk profiles and new forms of vulnerability. First Monday, 25(7) (with Laura Robinson et al.)
  17. (2020). Digital inequalities 3.0: Emergent inequalities in the information age. First Monday, 25(7) (with Laura Robinson et al.).
  18. (2020). Digital inequalities 2.0: Legacy inequalities in the information age. First Monday, 25(7) (with Laura Robinson et al.).
  19. (2020). The trainer, the verifier, the imitator: Three ways in which human platform workers support artificial intelligence. Big Data & Society, 7(1) (with Paola Tubaro & Marion Coville).
  20. (2019). En la trastienda de la inteligencia artificial. Una investigación sobre las plataformas de micro-trabajo en Francia [Behind the scenes of artificial intelligence. An investigation on micro-work platforms in France. Arxius de Ciències Socials. 41: 85-108 (with Paola Tubaro, Clément Le Ludec, Elinor Wahal).
  21. (2019). Micro-work, artificial intelligence, and the automotive industry. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 46(3): 333–345 (with Paola Tubaro).
  22. (2019). De la classe virtuelle aux ouvriers du clic. La servicialisation du travail à l’heure des plateformes numériques [From the virtual class to clickworkers. Labor-as-a-service in the wake of digital platforms]. Esprit, 454: 79-88.
    ——[transl. Rom.] Lettre Internationale, 110: 16-19.
    ——[transl. Port.] Matrizes, 14(1): 13-22.
  23. (2019). El capitalismo de las plataformas y las nuevas desigualdades [Platform capitalism and new inequalities]. Temas, 97: 75-86 (with Beatriz Pérez Alonso, Pedro Urra, Raúl Garcés).
  24. (2018). Létezik-e digitális munkakultúra? A munka marginalizációja, globális egyenlőtlenségek és kolonialitás [Is There a Global Digital Labor Culture? Marginalization of work, global inequalities, and coloniality]. Fordulat, 23: 122-153.
  25. (2017). Digital Labor Studies Go Global: Toward a Digital Decolonial Turn. International Journal of Communication, 11, Special Section Global Digital Culture: 3934–3954.
  26. (2017). You see yourself like in a mirror’: The effects of internet-mediated personal networks on body image and eating disorders. Health Communication, 33(9): 1166-1176 (with Francesca Pallotti, Paola Tubaro, Thomas W. Valente).
  27. (2017). How Venture Labor Sheds Light on the Digital Platform Economy. International Journal of Communication, 10: 2067-2070.
  28. (2017). De la firme à la plateforme: penser le digital labour [From Firm to Platform: Thinking Digital Labor]. Poli, 13: 42-51 (with Florian Vörös).
  29. (2015). S’inscrire en faux: les fakes et les politiques de l’identité des publics connectés [Objecting: fakes and identity politics of connected publics]. Communication, 33(2) (with Fred Pailler).
  30. (2015). Voir pour comprendre et comprendre pour voir [Seeing to understand and understanding to see]. I2D – Information, données & documents, 52 (2):88-89.
  31. (2015). Dr. Popp et la disquette Sida. Sociologie d’une affaire hacker [Dr Popp and the Aids floppy disk. Sociology of a hacking scandal]. Terrain, 65: 3-17.
  32. (2014). How to build consensus in a health-oriented online community: modelling a “pro-ana” forum. Revue Française de Sociologie, 55(4): 731-764 (with Juliette Rouchier & Paola Tubaro).
  33. (2014). Anthropologie et numérique: renouvellement méthodologique ou reconfiguration disciplinaire? [Anthropology and the digital: new methods or changing fields of knowledge?]. Anthrovision, 1(1).
  34. (2014). How to Talk about Media You Haven’t Understood. Journal of Visual Culture, 13(1): 26-28.
  35. (2014). Eliciting personal network data in web surveys through participant-generated sociograms. Field Methods, 26(2): 107-125 (with Paola Tubaro & Lise Mounier).
  36. (2013). Contre l’hypothèse de la “fin de la vie privée”. La négociation de la privacy dans les médias sociaux [Against the Hypothesis of the “End of Privacy”. Privacy negotiation in social media]. Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, 3(1).
  37. (2013). Le Web des troubles alimentaires. Un nouvel art de jeûner? [Eating Disorders Websites. A New Art of Hunger?]. Communications, 92: 111-123.
  38. (2013). Online networks of eating-disorder websites: why censoring pro-ana might be a bad idea. Perspectives in Public Health, 133(2): 94-95 (with Fred Pailler & Paola Tubaro).
  39. (2012). Être présent en ligne: culture et structure des réseaux sociaux d’Internet [Online Presence: culture and structure of Internet social networks]. Idées Economiques et Sociales, 169(1): 16-29.
  40. (2012). Social media censorship in times of political unrest: A social simulation experiment on the UK riots. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 115(1): 5-20 (with Paola Tubaro).
  41. (2012). Ten years of Ana. Lessons from a transdisciplinary body of literature on online pro-eating disorder websites. Social Science Information, 51(1): 121-139 (with Paola Tubaro & Pedro Araya).
    (2010). A History of Virulence: The Body and Computer Culture in the 1980s. Body & Society, 16(4): 1-31.
  42. (2010). ‘Petites boîtes’ et individualisme en réseau. Les usages socialisants du web en débat [‘Little Boxes’ and Networked Individualism: The Debate Around Web Use and Social Cohesion]. Annales de l’Ecole de Mines – Réalités Industrielles, 216 (4): 54-59.
  43. (2010). ‘An ethnographic seduction’: how qualitative research and agent-based models can benefit each other. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology, 106(1): 59-74 (with Paola Tubaro).
  44. (2009). Le Stéthoscope et la Souris: Savoirs médicaux et imaginaires numériques du corps [The Stethoscope and the Mouse: Medical Knowledge and digital Imaginaries of the Body]. Esprit, 353: 175-188.
  45. (2009). Culture numérique: L’adieu au corps n’a jamais eu lieu [Computer Culture: We have never been disembodied]. Esprit, 353: 151-153.
  46. (2008). Négocier le plaisir dans la consommation alimentaire: une étude sur trois groupes de migrants de l’aire métropolitaine de Los Angeles [Negotiating pleasure in food consumption: A study on three migrant groups in Los Angeles Metropolitan Area]. Cahiers de l’OCHA, 13: 108-116 (with Sylvie Sanchez, Paola Tubaro, Nicolas Antille).
  47. (2008). Status and use of food products with health claim (FPHC) in the USA, France and Japan: An anthropological perspective. Food Quality & Preference, 19(8): 682–691 (with Sylvie Sanchez).
  48. (2005). Les avatars bleus. Autour de trois modalités d’emprunt culturel au sein de la cyberculture [Blue avatars. About three modalities of cultural borrowing in computer culture]. Communications, 77: 183-202.
    ——[transl. Gr.] In Μεθοδολογία Έρευνας και Διαδίκτυο. Ekdoseis I Sideris.
  49. (2004). ‘Posthumani nihil a me alienum puto’: Le discours de l’hospitalité dans la cyberculture [‘No posthuman feature is unfamiliar to me’: The discourse of hospitality in cyberculture]. Sociétés, 83: 97-116.
  50. (2002). Interfaces bestiales. Le rôle et la place des animaux dans l’imaginaire des mondes virtuels [Beasty Interfaces: The role and place of animals in the narratives of virtual worlds]. Espaces et Sociétés, 110-111: 59-85 (with Corinne Boujot).
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
  1. [forthcoming 2025] [The hidden work of artificial intelligence: microworkers the new digital subjects] El trabajo oculto de la inteligencia artificial: microtrabajadores los nuevos sujetos digitales. In Álvaro Jiménez, Francisco Pizarro & Rodrigo De La Fabián (eds.) ¿Somos sujetos digitales? Algoritmos, sabres psi y la digitalización de la vida cotidiana, Ediciones UDP – Universidad Diego Portales (with Juana Torres-Cierpe & Paola Tubaro).
  2. [forthcoming 2025] [Excavating artificial intelligence, and then what? Taking the hypothesis of digital extractivism literally] Excaver l’intelligence artificielle, et après ? Prendre au pied de la lettre l’hypothèse de l’extractivisme numérique, in Olivier Alexandre & Benjamin Loveluck (eds.), Capitalisme Numérique et Idéologie, C&F (with Filippos Triantafyllou) (accepted).
  3. [forthcoming 2025] Global Inequalities in the Production of AI: A Four-Country Study on Data Work. In Jack Qiu, Shinjoung Yeo, Richard Maxwell (eds.), Handbook of Digital Labor, Wiley Blackwell (with Paola Tubaro, Matheus Viana-Braz, Juana Torres-Cierpe, Clément Le Ludec & Maxime Cornet; accepted).
  4. [forthcoming 2025] Digital labor: The inconspicuous production of artificial intelligence, In Ergin Bulut, Julie Chen, Rafael Grohmann, and Kylie Jarrett (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Digital Labour, Sage (accepted).
  5. (2024). [Digital Labor] Lavoro Digitale. In: Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Undicesima appendice Volume secondo I-Z, pp. 99-103. Rome: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana “Giovanni Treccani”.
  6. (2024) [Making data: the invisible work behind Artificial Intelligence] Fabricar os dados: o trabalho invisibilizado por trás da Inteligência Artificial. In Laura Valle Gontijo & Ricardo Colturato Festi (eds.), Trabalho e teoria social, Boitempo (with Matheus Viana Braz & Paola Tubaro) (accepted).
  7. (2024) [Forgetting Deliveroo. Present-day Significance of Remote and Micro-work Platforms in the Digital Ecosystem] Dimenticare Deliveroo. L’Importanza odierna delle piattaforme di lavoro a distanza e di micro-lavoro nell’ecosistema digitale. In [Work in the time of algorithms] Il lavoro al tempo degli algoritmi, Milan, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli: 77-94.
  8. (2024) ‘End-to-End’ Ethical Artificial Intelligence Taking into account the social and natural environments of automation. In Aida Ponce Del Castillo, Artificial intelligence, labour and society, Brussels, ETUI: 91-100
  9. (2023) [Clickwork, work without qualities?] Travail du clic, travail sans qualités ?. In: Catherine Courtet, Contes mondes récits, Paris: ANR, pp. 227-242 (with Paola Tubaro).
  10. (2023) [“Should workers be afraid of AI?] “Les travailleurs doivent-ils avoir peur de l’intelligence artificielle ?”. In Marie-Anne Dujarier (ed.), Idées reçues sur le travail, Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu Éditions, pp. 187-188.
  11. (2023) [“Robots will soon replace workers] “Les robots vont bientôt remplacer les travailleurs”. In Marie-Anne Dujarier (ed.), Idées reçues sur le travail, Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu Éditions, pp. 181-186.
  12. (2023) [Preface] Prefazione. In: Gabriele Giacomini & Alex Buriani, Il governo delle piattaforme. I media digitali visti dagli italiani, Milan: Meltemi.
  13. (2022) Human Listeners and Virtual Assistants:  Privacy and labour arbitrage in the production of smart technologies. In Fabian Ferrari & Mark Graham (eds), Digital Work in the Planetary Market, MIT Press: 175-190 (with Paola Tubaro).
  14. (2022) Plateformes numériques [Digital Platforms]. In Didier Fassin (ed.), La Société qui Vient, Éditions du Seuil: 185-201.
  15. (2021) Il n’y a pas d’intelligence artificielle, il n’y a qua le travail du clic de quelqu’un d’autre [There is no artificial intelligence, it’s just somebody else’s digital labor]. In Pascal Savoldelli (ed.). Ubérisation, et après ?, Editions du Détour: 33-55.
  16. (2021) Preface. In Elinor Wahal (ed.) Proceedings of Unboxing AI: Understanding Artificial Intelligence INDL-3 Conference, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli: 1-4.
  17. (2021) Qu’est-ce qu’une intelligence artificielle “réellement éthique”? [What is a “really ethical” AI?]. Proceedings of the Technologies Emergentes et Sagesse Collective (TESaCo) Conference, Institut de France, Paris: 71-78.
  18. (2020) Portraits of micro-workers: The real people behind AI in France. 2nd Crowdworking Symposium 2020, Research program “Digital Future”, Universities of Paderborn and Bielefeld, Paderborn, DE (with Paola Tubaro).
  19. (2020). Economia, genealogia e conflitti del capitalismo delle piattaforme [Economy, Genealogy, and Conflicts in Platform Capitalism]. In Niccolò Cuppini & Maël Dif-Pradalier (eds). La digitalizzazione del lavoro. Sguardi globali, nuove forme e nuovi attriti, impatto sul lavoro sociale, SUPSI: 60-64.
  20. (2020). Le travail à inégales distances [Remote Work and Occupational Inequalities]. In Par ici la sortie !, Editions du Seuil: 147-153.
  21. (2020), Preface to Sarah T. Roberts’s, Derrière les écrans [Behind the Screens, Yale University Press, 2019], La Découverte.
  22. (2020). Preparare, verificare, imitare: perché il lavoro umano è necessario alla produzione di intelligenze artificiali [Preparing, verifying, imitating: why human labor is necessary to produce AI]. Proceedings of the workshop L’enigma del valore, Casa della Cultura, Milan: 25-41.
  23. (2019). The Platformization Of Labor and Society. In Mark Graham & William H. Dutton (eds), Society and the Internet; How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing Our Lives, (2nd edition), Oxford University Press: 293-306 (with Julián Posada).
  24. (2018). Qualifier, monétiser, automatiser: digital labor et valeur sur les plateformes numériques [Qualifying, monetizing, automating: digital labor and value on digital platforms]. Proceedings of the seminar Formes d’économie collaborative et protection sociale, DARES: 88-95.
  25. (2018). La plateformisation comme mise au travail des usagers. Digital labor et nouvelles inégalités planétaires [Platformization as Users’ Labor: Digital Transformations and New Global Inequalities]. In Benjamin Coriat, Nicole Alix, Jean-Luis Bancel, Frédéric Sultan (eds), Vers une République des Biens Communs ?, Les Liens qui Libèrent: 41-56.
  26. (2018). Réinterroger les sciences sociales à l’heure du numérique. Sociabilité, vie privée et digital labor [Questioning social sciences in the digital age. Sociability, privacy, and digital labor]. In Marc-Henri Soulet (ed.), Sociétés en mouvement, sociologie du changement, Presses de l’Université de Laval: 207-230.
  27. (2017). Digital affective labor: les affects comme ressorts du capitalisme des plateformes [Digital affective labor: affects as inner workings of platform capitalism]. Preface to Camille Alloing & Julien Pierre, Le web affectif. Une économie numérique des émotions, Editions de l’INA: 5-8.
  28. (2017). Gli esseri umani sostituiranno i robot? Piattaforme di micro-lavoro e intelligenze artificiali [Will humans replace robots? Micro-work platforms and artificial intelligence]. In Andrea Zucca (ed.), 10 idee per convivere con il lavoro che cambia, Fondazione Feltrinelli: 32-43.
  29. (2017). Il n’y a pas d’algorithme [There is no algorithm]. Preface to Olivier Ertzscheid, L’appétit des géants. Pouvoir des algorithmes, ambitions des plateformes, C&F éditions: 10-19.
  30. (2017). Enjeux sociaux des Big Data [Social implications of Big Data]. In Mokrane Bouzeghoub & Rémy Mosseri (eds), Les Big Data à Découvert, CNRS Éditions (with Paola Tubaro): 206-207.
  31. (2016). Quelle protection de la vie privée face aux attaques contre nos libertés numériques? [How to protect privacy from attacks against our digital freedoms?], Proceedings of the conference La France dans la transformation numérique : quelle protection des droits fondamentaux ?, La Documentation Française: 12-19.
  32. (2015). Le wikipédien, le chercheur et le vandale [The Wikipedian, the academic, and the vandal]. In Lionel Barbe, Louise Merzeau, Valérie Schafer (eds), Wikipédia, objet scientifique non identifié, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest: 91-104.
  33. (2014). Quatre thèses sur la surveillance numérique de masse et la négociation de la vie privée [Four theses on mass surveillance and privacy negotiation]. In Jacky Richard & Laurent Cytermann (eds), Etude annuelle 2014 du Conseil d’Etat Le numérique et les droits fondamentaux, La Documentation française: 423-434.
  34. (2014). Fracture numérique [Digital Divide]. In Alain Bihr & Roland Pfefferkorn (eds) Dictionnaire des inégalités, Armand Colin: 172-173.
  35. (2013). Le lien social à l’ère du web 2.0 [Social cohesion and web 2.0]. Proceedings of the conference e-Education, ESEN, Poitiers: 11-13.
  36. (2013). Relazioni sociali e reti digitali [Social ties and digital networks]. Proceedings of the conference Il corpo e la rete, strumenti di apprendimento interculturale, Fondazione Intercultura, Florence: 61-72.
  37. (2012). L’administration en réseau, entre réconciliation participative et sursauts régaliens [E-government, Between Participatory Reconciliation and State Prerogative Outbursts]. Proceedings of the Conference Génération Y et gestion publique : quels enjeux ?, IGPDE Paris: 55-66.
  38. (2012). Comment les usages numériques transforment-ils les sciences sociales? [How do digital technologies transform social sciences?]. In Pierre Mounier (ed.), Read/Write Book 2, OpenEdition Press: 239-247.
  39. (2011). Usages numérique en santé : conflictualité épistémique et sociale dans les communautés de patients en ligne [Health-oriented Digital Device Use: Epistemic and Social Conflictuality in Online Communities]. Proceedings of the workshop Euro Cos Humanisme et Santé 2011, Editions de Santé: 181-191.
  40. (2011). La surveillance participative [Participatory Surveillance]. Problèmes politiques et sociaux, 988, La Documentation Française: 21.
  41. (2011). Le cyber-adultère [Cyber-cheating]. Problèmes politiques et sociaux, 984, La Documentation Française: 39.
  42. (2011). Pratiquer la transdisciplinarité dans la discipline. Temporalité, territorialité et réalisme des professions scientifiques [Practicing transdisciplinarity within the discipline. Temporality, territoriality and realism in scientific careers]. In Frédéric Darbellay & Therese Paulser (eds) Au miroir des disciplines. Réflexions sur les pratiques d’enseignement et de recherche inter- et transdisciplinaires, Peter Lang: 65-81.
  43. (2010). Technologies capacitantes et “disability divide”: Enjeux des usages numériques dans les situations de handicap [Enabling Technologies and “Disability Divide”: Computing and disability]. Proceedings of the Conference Vers la fin du handicap ?, University of Nancy: 501-515.
  44. (2005). Le débat sur le nouveau corps dans la cyberculture: le cas des Extropiens [The Debate about the New Body in Cyberculture: The Extropian Case]. Proceedings of the Conference Le Corps Extrême dans les Sociétés Occidentales, CNRS Marseille: 297-329.
  45. (2001). Cooperazione [Cooperation]. In Adelino Zanini & Ubaldo Fadini (eds) Lessico postfordista, Feltrinelli Editore: 68-72.
  46. (1999). Reddito universale di cittadinanza e riforma della moneta [Universal Citizen Income and Monetary Reform. A Proposal of Citizen Currency e-Wallet]. In Andrea Fumagalli & Maurizio Lazzarato (eds), Tute bianche. Disoccupazione di massa e reddito di cittadinanza, DeriveApprodi: 63-73 (with Yuri Biondi).
Reports and Working Papers
  1. (2023) [Microwork in Brazil. Who are the workers behind AI?] Microtrabalho no Brasil. Quem são os trabalhadores por trás da Inteligência Artificial?, Report LATRAPS/DiPLab, TRIA Project (with Matheus Viana-Braz & Paola Tubaro).
  2. (2022). Les Nouveaux Intermédiaires du Travail B2B : comparer les modèles d’affaires dans l’économie numérique collaborative [The New B2B Labour Intermediaries: Comparing business models in the collaborative digital economy]. Final report of the DARES BOBCAT project (with Odile Chagny et al.).
  3. (2020) Platform-mediated labor in Europe. Intermediary report of the EC SWIRL project (with Maxime Cornet and Mandie Joulin).
  4. (2019). Le Micro-travail en France. Derrière l’automatisation de nouvelles précarités au travail? [Micro-work in France. Behind Automation, New Forms of Precarious Labour?]. Final report DiPLab (Digital Platform Labor) OPLa (Organizing Platform Labor) project (with Paola Tubaro et al.).
  5. (2019). How many people microwork in France? Estimating the size of a new labor force. ArXiV (with Clément Le Ludec, Paola Tubaro).
  6. (2013). Les jeunes et le web des troubles alimentaires: dépasser la notion de ‘pro-ana’. [Young people and online EDs: beyond the notion of ‘pro-ana’]. Final report ANR ANAMIA project (with Lise Mounier, Fred Pailler, Paola Tubaro).
  7. (2011). Why Net Censorship in Times of Political Unrest Results in More Violent Uprisings: A Social Simulation Experiment on the UK Riots. SSRN (with Paola Tubaro).
  1. (2020). Invisibles. Les travailleurs du clic [Invisibles. Clickworkers]. 4 episodes 20’, France Télévisions (with Henri Poulain, Julien Goetz).