Posted in Media features

Behind ChatGPT’s Success: Investigating Worker Exploitation: My Interview in ‘La Via Libera’ (June 30, 2023)

I conducted an interview with La Via Libera, the Italian magazine dedicated to advocating for civil society. In this conversation… read more Behind ChatGPT’s Success: Investigating Worker Exploitation: My Interview in ‘La Via Libera’ (June 30, 2023)

Posted in Media features

An Army of Precarious AI Workers: My New Op-Ed in ‘Il Manifesto’ (June 25, 2023)

In my editorial piece published on June 25, 2023, in “Il Manifesto,” I paint portrait of the hidden labor force… read more An Army of Precarious AI Workers: My New Op-Ed in ‘Il Manifesto’ (June 25, 2023)

Posted in Media features

What is ‘AI Anxiety’? My Interview in French Newspaper Libération (June 20, 2023)

In an article titled Après l’éco-anxiété, l’«IA-anxiété» ? (After Eco-Anxiety, ‘AI Anxiety’?), featured in a special issue dedicated entirely to… read more What is ‘AI Anxiety’? My Interview in French Newspaper Libération (June 20, 2023)

Posted in Blog

Who trains the data for Artificial Intelligence in Brazil? New co-authored report

I am thrilled to announce the release of our newest report, Microwork in Brazil. Who are the workers behind artificial… read more Who trains the data for Artificial Intelligence in Brazil? New co-authored report

Posted in Blog Videos

[Video] Uber Files Exposed: My Testimony at the French Parliament Hearing

On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, I shared my expertise on the intricate relationship between Uber, the platform economy, and the… read more [Video] Uber Files Exposed: My Testimony at the French Parliament Hearing

Posted in Blog

ChatGPT and Labor Precarization: Interviewed by Swiss Media

I was interviewed in Swiss online media on global labor market and AI. The interview is available in French…. read more ChatGPT and Labor Precarization: Interviewed by Swiss Media

Posted in Media features radio

[Podcast] Scared of ChatGPT? ILO Interviews Antonio Casilli on Labor and Technology

United Nations agency International Labor Organization welcomes Antonio Casilli for two episodes (in English and French) of the podcast The… read more [Podcast] Scared of ChatGPT? ILO Interviews Antonio Casilli on Labor and Technology

Posted in Media features

Grand entretien pour Le Grand Continent (7 avril 2023)

Conversation avec Victor Storchan dans la cadre de la série Puissances de l’IA dans la revue de géopolitique Le Grand… read more Grand entretien pour Le Grand Continent (7 avril 2023)

Posted in Videos

[Vidéo] Intervention au Printemps de l’Economie (7 avril 2023)

11ème édition du Printemps de l’économie Session Les Economiques avec Alternatives économiques, conçue par Christian Chavagneux, éditorialiste à Alternatives économiques,… read more [Vidéo] Intervention au Printemps de l’Economie (7 avril 2023)

Posted in Media features

Invité au Sénat français à l’occasion de la proposition de loi sur la management algorithmique (6 avril 2023)

J’ai été invité au Sénat français pour présenter une proposition de loi sur la gestion algorithmique du travail sur les… read more Invité au Sénat français à l’occasion de la proposition de loi sur la management algorithmique (6 avril 2023)