How to avoid common mistakes in agent-based model visualization
Pretty interesting article just published in JASSS. If you happen to be involved in agent-based simulation design, you know how… read more How to avoid common mistakes in agent-based model visualization
Hidden track # 3: The World/Inferno Friendship Society linkfest
Take a broken-hearted Jersey-born Brooklynite, a bearded saxophonist, an accordionist, a rude chick playing bass guitar, The Dresden Dolls former… read more Hidden track # 3: The World/Inferno Friendship Society linkfest
Wisconsin student twitters his way to PhD in biomedical engineering
First off this video: What is it all about? Just another day in the Twitter-crazed US media landscape: a high-profiled… read more Wisconsin student twitters his way to PhD in biomedical engineering
Support Prof. Horacio Potel!, or a portrait of the philosopher as a pirate
Addendum, Nov 14, 2009: As of today, we salute the recent decision of the Argentinian court dropping the charges against… read more Support Prof. Horacio Potel!, or a portrait of the philosopher as a pirate
Journée d'étude Approches ethnographiques du Web
JOURNEE D’ETUDE 5 MAI 2009 PRATIQUES ETHNOGRAPHIQUES SUR INTERNET 9H-18H Salle A2 de l’ École Normale Supérieure – Campus Jourdan,… read more Journée d'étude Approches ethnographiques du Web
What kind of government rules over the Facebook nation?
(from The Wired Campus, April 20, 2009 Jonathan Zittrain: A Bill of Rights for the Facebook Nation) […] in mid-February, Facebook… read more What kind of government rules over the Facebook nation?
New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!
By Antonio A. Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, EHESS, Paris) After putting online a post that satirized an article claiming that electronic… read more New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!
Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism
The director of NetLab at the University of Toronto, Barry Wellman has a reputation for being a pragmatic, rigurous, and… read more Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism
CfP: Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics
Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics Workshop at the 4th International Conference on Communities and Technologies… read more CfP: Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics