Category: Media features
Interviews, reviews, etc. in the press, TV, radio, and the Web.

The Empire of X: On Elon Musk’s Social Media Ambitions, Digital Labor, and AI (op-ed in Libération, Aug. 17, 2023)
The rebranding of Twitter to “X” by Elon Musk has sparked conversations about the implications of this decision. I recently… read more The Empire of X: On Elon Musk’s Social Media Ambitions, Digital Labor, and AI (op-ed in Libération, Aug. 17, 2023)

How Digital Technologies Transformed Human Interactions (in Le Monde, Aug. 7, 2023)
In an article published by French newspaper ‘Le Monde’ titled “Les relations amicales à l’ère des réseaux sociaux” (Friendships in… read more How Digital Technologies Transformed Human Interactions (in Le Monde, Aug. 7, 2023)
[Podcast] Digital Socialism and Truth Ownership in a Time of Pervasive AI (ÖRF, Aug. 1, 2023)
In anticipation of the 2023 Ars Electronica Festival in Austria, I had a chat with Austrian National Broadcasting journalist Sarah… read more [Podcast] Digital Socialism and Truth Ownership in a Time of Pervasive AI (ÖRF, Aug. 1, 2023)
[Video] Here’s What Happens When You Put a Sociologist and a Computer Scientist in the Same Room (Mediapart, July 28, 2023)
In a video titled “Intelligence artificielle : quels dangers ?” (Artificial Intelligence: What Dangers?), I engage in a dialogue with Ansar… read more [Video] Here’s What Happens When You Put a Sociologist and a Computer Scientist in the Same Room (Mediapart, July 28, 2023)

What is the Real Impact of Generative AIs on Jobs? (In L’Usine Nouvelle, July 20, 2023)
Generative AIs, capable of producing text and images on demand, have garnered attention for their potential to disrupt the job… read more What is the Real Impact of Generative AIs on Jobs? (In L’Usine Nouvelle, July 20, 2023)

AI and Precarious Employment: My Op-Ed in ‘MétaMédia’ (July 12, 2023)
In my op-ed published on July 12, 2023, in the “MétaMédia” trend analysis journal of France Télévisions, I examined the… read more AI and Precarious Employment: My Op-Ed in ‘MétaMédia’ (July 12, 2023)

Behind ChatGPT’s Success: Investigating Worker Exploitation: My Interview in ‘La Via Libera’ (June 30, 2023)
I conducted an interview with La Via Libera, the Italian magazine dedicated to advocating for civil society. In this conversation… read more Behind ChatGPT’s Success: Investigating Worker Exploitation: My Interview in ‘La Via Libera’ (June 30, 2023)

An Army of Precarious AI Workers: My New Op-Ed in ‘Il Manifesto’ (June 25, 2023)
In my editorial piece published on June 25, 2023, in “Il Manifesto,” I paint portrait of the hidden labor force… read more An Army of Precarious AI Workers: My New Op-Ed in ‘Il Manifesto’ (June 25, 2023)

What is ‘AI Anxiety’? My Interview in French Newspaper Libération (June 20, 2023)
In an article titled Après l’éco-anxiété, l’«IA-anxiété» ? (After Eco-Anxiety, ‘AI Anxiety’?), featured in a special issue dedicated entirely to… read more What is ‘AI Anxiety’? My Interview in French Newspaper Libération (June 20, 2023)
[Podcast] Scared of ChatGPT? ILO Interviews Antonio Casilli on Labor and Technology
United Nations agency International Labor Organization welcomes Antonio Casilli for two episodes (in English and French) of the podcast The… read more [Podcast] Scared of ChatGPT? ILO Interviews Antonio Casilli on Labor and Technology