Category: Blog

A crazy idea everybody's having: using Wikipedia for health information
Laurent, M., & Vickers, T. (2009). Seeking Health Information Online: Does Wikipedia Matter? Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,… read more A crazy idea everybody's having: using Wikipedia for health information

What the Hell am I doing here #3: à la mairie de Ljubljana
Pendant une dizaine de jours, je suis en Slovénie pour l’Université d’été organisée par la Faculté de Sciences Sociales de… read more What the Hell am I doing here #3: à la mairie de Ljubljana

Internet use among the poor: it's not funny and it doesn't mitigate inequalities
Robinson, L. (2009). A taste for the necessary. A Bourdieuian approach to digital inequality Information, Communication & Society, 12 (4),… read more Internet use among the poor: it's not funny and it doesn't mitigate inequalities

Colloque médecine et internet à Paris
Conférence -débat Web et Médecine Lundi 29 juin 2009, 19-21h La Cantine par Silicon Sentier 151 rue Montmartre, Passage des… read more Colloque médecine et internet à Paris

Don't believe the hype (about the role of social media in Iran protests)
“Iranian reformist candidates Mir Hussein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoub and their supporters have few communications options. They have no access… read more Don't believe the hype (about the role of social media in Iran protests)
New paper shows social connectivity is not declining (not because of Internet, anyway)
Hua (Helen) Wang, & Barry Wellman (2009). Social Connectivity in America. Changes in Adult Friendship Network Size from 2002 to… read more New paper shows social connectivity is not declining (not because of Internet, anyway)

Mon séminaire EHESS : Conflits actuels , simulations sociales et complexité
LES VENDREDIS DU CENTRE EDGAR MORIN Vendredi 19 juin 2009 – 13h/17h, salles 2 & 10 EHESS, 105 bd Raspail,… read more Mon séminaire EHESS : Conflits actuels , simulations sociales et complexité
Ecole d'été sur Web Intelligence et réseaux sociaux
Appel à participation pour l’École d’été Web Intelligence WI09 Lieu : Le Buisson / Véranne (Loire) Dates : du… read more Ecole d'été sur Web Intelligence et réseaux sociaux

Cambridge researcher says free social use should prevail over copyright protection
Patricia Akester (University of Cambridge) undertook a project looking at the impact of technological measures on the ability of users… read more Cambridge researcher says free social use should prevail over copyright protection

OECD study results on e-Health adoption and use
Monitoring and benchmarking Health ICT (eHealth) adoption and use. An OECD expert meeting was organised in Paris on May 25… read more OECD study results on e-Health adoption and use