Category: Blog

Posted in social networks

27 theses on WikiLeaks (and counting…)

At first I thought WikiLeaks was all about data. Data-journalism. Data-mining. Data hacked, transfered, mirrored, etc. Hard facts. Then I realized it is not. As any culturally and politically defining moment, WikiLeaks exposes our hunger for *theory*. Abstract, verbose, fact-insensitive theory. Here are some examples, cherry-picked from the Web.

Posted in body space

Archéologies du Cyborg – Hybridation, contamination, individuation

La deuxième séance de mon séminaire EHESS “Corps et TIC : approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques” a eu lieu le jeudi 9 déc. 2010. Le sujet traité : la notion de cyborg, son impact sur la culture du numérique contemporaine dès la parution du célèbre Cyborg Manifesto de Donna Haraway. Voilà (dans l’ordre) les slides et une bibliographie contenant les textes cités.

Posted in social capital

Things you always wanted to say to your employer – but were afraid to (Sunday Sociological Song)

Randy Hodson’s book on Dignity at Work (Cambridge University Press, 2001) is an ethnographic account of how protecting oneself from… read more Things you always wanted to say to your employer – but were afraid to (Sunday Sociological Song)

Posted in social networks

Introducing Proveit, a new free open-source referencing tool for Wikipedia

Just a quick post to announce that Kurt Luther and his social computing crew at Georgia Tech have released Proveit, an amazing little open-source tool that allows you to find, edit, add, and cite references in Wikipedia articles! Proveit is designed specifically for Wikipedians, so all you need is a Wikipedia account. You install it once, and each time you log in – from any computer – there it is. Better than Zotero, from this point of view 😉 Plus, it works with virtually any browser, from Firefox to Chrome, from Safari to Opera. It is even said to work with Explorer – although admittedly this hardly is a plus.

Posted in body social networks

Virus, viralité, visceralité – Logiques culturelles et processus sociaux en réseau

Notes de la première séance “Virus” de mon séminaire EHESS ‘Corps et TIC : approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques’ qui a eu lieu jeudi 25 novembre 2010.

Posted in body social capital

Growing health divide: what's so fun about these stats again?

Take health and income data from 200 countries over 200 years. Stir up. Add Hans Rosling‘s distinctive delivery style and… read more Growing health divide: what's so fun about these stats again?

Posted in body social capital social networks

Séminaire EHESS "Corps et technologies des l'information et de la communication"

Première séance du séminaire EHESS “Corps et technologies des l’information et de la communication : Approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques” animé par Antonio Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, IIAC EHESS/CNRS).

Date : jeudi 25 novembre 2010
Horaire : de 17h à 19h
Lieu : salle 5, EHESS, 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris.

Posted in social capital

You know you are part of a subculture when… (Sunday Sociological Song)

Emo-goths, campus jocks, hardcore rockers, leather queers, computer geeks, superhero buffs… you probably know at least one member of a… read more You know you are part of a subculture when… (Sunday Sociological Song)

Posted in social networks

Appel à contributions Revue Terminal "Les pratiques du Web : modes de participation et approches critiques"

Appel à contributions – Novembre 2010 Revue Terminal “Les pratiques du Web : modes de participation et approches critiques” Coordination :… read more Appel à contributions Revue Terminal "Les pratiques du Web : modes de participation et approches critiques"

Posted in body social capital

‘Digital natives’: it’s an old, old notion…

Debunking the myth of the ‘Digital natives’: my speech at Lift10 conference (Geneva). Computer Kids (1980s), Internet Children (1990s), Digital Natives (2000s). Some of the members of this so-called new generation of computer users are already pushing forty…