Category: Blog

Posted in social capital social networks space

Would online censorship be effective? Evidence from two research projects proves the opposite

Hi, you’ve probably reached this blog after listening to my interview with Jian Ghomeshi on CBC Radio Canada’s programme Q…. read more Would online censorship be effective? Evidence from two research projects proves the opposite

Posted in body social networks space

Et in Athenis ego: update on ongoing research on the body + riots

I know I should be in Lyon for the www12 conference with all the Internet big shots, but instead I’m… read more Et in Athenis ego: update on ongoing research on the body + riots

Posted in body social capital social networks

Banning pro-ana websites? Not a good idea, as Web censorship might have a 'toothpaste tube effect'

[Update 05.04.13: A longer version of this post, with revised results, has evolved into a full-fledged article published by the… read more Banning pro-ana websites? Not a good idea, as Web censorship might have a 'toothpaste tube effect'

Posted in social capital social networks

EnemyGraph: blasphème ou ruse de l’amitié sur Facebook ?

On m’a souvent entendu parler d’amitié et d’inimitié dans les réseaux sociaux. De l’amitié à l’heure du numérique, autant dans… read more EnemyGraph: blasphème ou ruse de l’amitié sur Facebook ?

Posted in social capital social networks

Pour une sociologie du #troll

Pour une sociologie du troll / Towards a sociology of trolling

Posted in space

Is The Pirate Bay experimenting with drone datacenters?

By now you’ve already heard me speak about activist drones.  This technology is no longer limited to the military. Occupy,… read more Is The Pirate Bay experimenting with drone datacenters?

Posted in social capital social networks

“Anamia” social networks and online privacy: our Sunbelt XXXII presentations (Redondo Beach, March 18, 2012)

[This is a joint post with Paola Tubaro’s Blog] So, here we are in the (intermittently) sunny state of California… read more “Anamia” social networks and online privacy: our Sunbelt XXXII presentations (Redondo Beach, March 18, 2012)

Posted in digital humanities

Séminaire EHESS de Pierre Mounier “Quels enjeux pour les digital humanities ?” (21 mars 2012, 17h)

Dans le cadre de mon séminaire EHESS Étudier les cultures du numérique : approches théoriques et empiriques j’ai le plaisir… read more Séminaire EHESS de Pierre Mounier “Quels enjeux pour les digital humanities ?” (21 mars 2012, 17h)

Posted in social capital social networks

Taking liberties: why feeling closer on social media can lead to higher conflictuality

A short note on an apparent paradox highlighted by Ronald E. Anderson on the blog Compassionate Societies. While commenting on… read more Taking liberties: why feeling closer on social media can lead to higher conflictuality

Posted in body social capital social networks space

Le CNRS et l’Université Paris Descartes lancent une chaire “Liaisons numériques”

Dear all, une chaire CNRS-Université Paris Descartes “sur la sociologie des liens sociaux ‘virtuels’ et sur les liaisons numériques” vient… read more Le CNRS et l’Université Paris Descartes lancent une chaire “Liaisons numériques”