Category: body

Posted in body social capital

Mon séminaire EHESS : le corps au Brésil

Vendredi 20 février 2009
(Séance spéciale : Le corps au Brésil)
EHESS, 105 bd Raspail, Paris 6è (13h-17h)

Posted in body social networks

Internet addiction: an unconvincing notion

Internet addiction has become kind of an unconvincing notion since ubiquitous computing has rendered the Internet just about as pervasive as – say – running water. Of course, my quality of life would decrease dramatically if I had to live without taking showers or washing my dishes. But can I say I am addicted to running water?

Posted in body social capital social networks space

Extroduction: Internet et la sociologie

Un livre, qui se lit du début à la fin, demanderait une introduction. Un blog, qui se lit de la… read more Extroduction: Internet et la sociologie