Author: admin
Mobile Phones in Advertising : Good intentions and Lingerie
This month, for Les Vases Communicants, we welcome Gaby David (LHIVIC, EHESS). You can find Antonio A. Casilli’s post on… read more Mobile Phones in Advertising : Good intentions and Lingerie

Coming up this week: Lift10, Vases Communicants and more…
Dear all, just a quick note from Geneva, Switzerland, where the Lift 2010 Conference starts today. I’m going to be… read more Coming up this week: Lift10, Vases Communicants and more…

"An Ethnographic Seduction": our article published on the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology
So here it is, our little “manifesto for qualitative agent-based simulation” is finally out on the now Sage-published Bulletin of… read more "An Ethnographic Seduction": our article published on the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology
My seminar at the London School of Economics confirmed
So my seminar on pro-ana websites at the Institute of Social Psychology of the London School of Economics will not… read more My seminar at the London School of Economics confirmed
Complexité, pluridisciplinarité et NBIC : présentation en .pdf
Jean-Michel Cornu, directeur scientifique de la FING (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération) est intervenu dans la séance de vendredi dernier 16… read more Complexité, pluridisciplinarité et NBIC : présentation en .pdf
An ethno-computational approach to pro-ana online communities (powerpoint)
First the French railways strike, then the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ashcloud. Anyhow, I would NOT have been able to make it… read more An ethno-computational approach to pro-ana online communities (powerpoint)
It's official: I'm going to be speaking at LIFT10 conference
Well the title of this post is pretty much self-explanatory: I’m scheduled to be doing my “critical thinker” thing in… read more It's official: I'm going to be speaking at LIFT10 conference

Christopher Columbus's Foursquare Badge
For those of you who don’t know what the hell this is about, here’s a link to today’s news story… read more Christopher Columbus's Foursquare Badge

Nano, biotech, information et cognition : séminaire EHESS avec Jean-Michel Cornu (FING)
Dans le cadre du séminaire Transdisciplinarité et numérique, le Centre Edgar-Morin a le plaisir d’accueillir Jean-Michel Cornu (Fondation Internet Nouvelle… read more Nano, biotech, information et cognition : séminaire EHESS avec Jean-Michel Cornu (FING)
Du Plan Calcul à Chatroulette : podcast de France Culture
Bon, cette fois-ci mon interview sur France Culture s’est décidément bien passée. D’abord, une ambiance agréable, grâce à l’accueil chaleureux… read more Du Plan Calcul à Chatroulette : podcast de France Culture