[Séminaire #ecnEHESS] Juan Carlos De Martin “L’université à l’heure des algorithmes : sortir du cauchemar néolibéral” (11 juin 2018, 17h)

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Pour la dernière séance de l’année de notre séminaire Étudier les cultures du numérique nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Juan Carlos De Martin, professeur à l’École polytechnique de Turin et chercheur associé au Berkman Klein Center de Harvard. Il est le co-directeur du centre Nexa Internet & Société et l’auteur de The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture (avec Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, OpenBookPublishers, 2012) et Università futura. Tra democrazia e bit (Codice Edizioni, 2017). Son intervention sera discutée par Francesca Musiani (ISCC-CNRS).

⚠️ La séance aura lieu le lundi 11 juin 2018 de 17h à 19h30, Salle 9, EHESS, 105 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris. ⚠️

Titre : University and Neoliberalism: What Is To Be Done?

Intervenant : Juan Carlos De Martin (École polytechnique de Turin)
Discutante : Francesca Musiani (ISCC-CNRS)

In France, UK, Canada, recent social movements have highlighted the way both students life and faculty activity is impacted by what is described as the neoliberal university. Precarious jobs, tenure under attack, opaque “algorithmic” managerial logics, less and less funding for curiosity-driven research, increasingly hierarchical governance, students as customers, extensive quantification, rankings, “publish or perish”, student debt and many other increasingly well-studied trends are corrupting the University beyond recognition. Now that we are more and more aware of the situation, the focus of our attention and energies should shift towards praxis, i.e., towards what is to be done. During this lecture, I will argue that we need an idea of University suitable for our age, a normative model to orient our thoughts and actions; one of the main weaknesses, in fact, of dealing with neoliberalism has been the incapacity of offering alternative, credible models. I will then share with the audience a few ideas of possible actions by the academic community.

La présentation et les débats se dérouleront en anglais.