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Pour la séance du 10 avril 2017 EHESS Etudier les cultures du numérique, nous avons l’honneur d’accueillir Mary L. Gray, chercheuse chez Microsoft Research et membre du Berkman Center for Internet and Society de l’Université Harvard. Mary Gray a été l’une des pionnières des études sur Amazon Mechanical Turk et sur les liens entre micro-travail et intelligence artificielle.
Pour suivre le séminaire sur Twitter : hashtag #ecnEHESS.
ATTENTION : Le siège habituel étant fermé pour les vacances universitaires, cette séance se déroulera le lundi 10 avril 2017, de 17h à 20h, amphi Opale, Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault, 13e arr. Paris.
Title: What is Going On Behind the API? Artificial Intelligence, Digital Labor and the Paradox of Automation’s “Last Mile.”
Speaker: Mary L. Gray
Abstract: On-demand digital labor has become the core “operating system” for a range of on-demand services. It is also vital to the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) systems built to supplement or replace humans in industries ranging from tax preparation, like LegalZoom, to digital personal assistants, like Alexa. This presentation shares research that starts from the position that on-demand “crowdwork”—intelligent systems that blend AI and humans-in-the-loop to deliver paid services through an application programming interface (API)—will dominate the future of work by both buttressing the operations of future enterprises and advancing automation. For 2 years Mary L Gray and computer scientist Siddharth Suri have combined ethnographic fieldwork and computational analysis to understand the demographics, motivations, resources, skills and strategies workers drawn on to optimize their participation in this nascent but growing form of employment. Crowdwork systems are not, simply, technologies. They are sites of labor with complicated social dynamics that, ultimately, hold value and require recognition to be sustainable forms of work.
La présentation et les débats se dérouleront en anglais.
Séminaire organisé en collaboration avec ENDL (European Network on Digital Labour).