Month: June 2018

Posted in Videos
Comment se fabriquent les “fake news” ? (entretien France Inter, 8 juin 2018)
J’étais l’invité de Sonia Devillers à l’Instant M de France Inter pour parler du Projet de loi sur les fausses… read more Comment se fabriquent les “fake news” ? (entretien France Inter, 8 juin 2018)
admin 8 June 2018

Posted in Blog
An open letter to tell Google to commit to not weaponizing its technology (May 17, 2018)
Following an invitation by Prof. Lilly Irani (UCSD), I was among the first signatories of this ICRAC “Open Letter in… read more An open letter to tell Google to commit to not weaponizing its technology (May 17, 2018)
admin 7 June 2018