[Séminaire #ecnEHESS] Gabriella Coleman “Histoire et anthropologie du hacktivisme” (28 mars 2018, 17h)

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C’est avec grand plaisir que notre séminaire Étudier les cultures du numérique se prépare à accueillir pour une séance extraordinaire l’anthropologue Gabriella Coleman. Professeure à l’Université McGill de Montréal, elle est connue internationalement pour ses travaux novateurs et ses ethnographies du collectif hacktiviste Anonymous. Elle est l’auteure, entre autres, des ouvrages Coding freedom : the ethics and aesthetics of hacking (Princeton University Press, 2013) et Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous, lauréat du prix Diana Forsythe 2015 de l’American Anthropological Association.

ATTENTION SÉANCE EXCEPTIONNELLE : la présentation aura lieu le mercredi 28 mars 2018 de 17h à 20h, Amphithéâtre François Furet, EHESS, 105 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris.

Titre : HackAccess: How Anonymous re/invented the hack-leak combo

Intervenante : Gabriella Coleman (McGill University)

Résumé : In most of North America, Latin American and Europe, Anonymous, the protest collective most famous for its wily hacking sprees, is no longer an activist force of nature as they were during the height of their power between 2011-2015. This talk steps back to assess their historical legacy, honing in a specific tactic: the hack-leak combo, which they helped engender and stabilize. The hack-leak combo entails a computer infiltration for the purpose of acquiring and leaking documents meant for widespread public consumption. This talk will examine the analog and digital pre-history of this tactic, the material and historical conditions that help explain why it came into being largely between 2007 and 2012 and the its mutation in 2014 as nation-state hackers deployed what had originally been a tactic used exclusively by hacktivists.

La présentation et les débats se dérouleront en anglais.