Archéologies du Cyborg – Hybridation, contamination, individuation

La deuxième séance de mon séminaire EHESS Corps et TIC : approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques a eu lieu le jeudi 9 déc. 2010. Le sujet traité : la notion de cyborg, son impact sur la culture numérique contemporaine dès la parution du célèbre Cyborg Manifesto de Donna Haraway. Voilà les slides et une bibliographie contenant les textes cités.

La prochaine séance (où il sera question d’avatars bleus) aura lieu le jeudi 13 janvier 2011 de 17h à 19h en salle 5, 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris. Pour s’inscrire, il suffit de m’envoyer un petit mail gentil.

Allard, L., Gardey, D. et N. Magnan (dir.) (2007) Donna Haraway. Manifeste cyborg et autres essais : Sciences – Fictions – Féminismes, Paris, Exils.

Andrieu, B. (2008) Devenir hybride, Nancy, Presses Universitaires Nancy

Balsamo, A. (1996) Technologies of the Gendered Body : Reading Cyborg Women. Durham, Duke University Press.

Berque, A. (2003) “Le paysage de Cyborg”, Quintana, 2(1), p. 109-127.

Biocca, F. (1997) “The Cyborg’s Dilemma: Progressive Embodiment in Virtual Environments”, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 3(2),

Caronia, A. (2001) Il Cyborg. Saggio sull’uomo artificiale, Milan, ShaKe.

Casilli, A. A. (2009) “Dr. Popp et la disquette Sida. Sociologie d’une affaire hacker”, Bodyspacesociety,

Cerqui D. et K. Warwick (2008), “Une anthropologue chez les cybernéticiens : esquisse de dialogue entre imaginaires concurrents”, In: C. Finz (dir.) Les imaginaires du corps en mutation : du corps enchanté au corps en chantier, Paris, L’Harmattan, p. 367-379.

Cerqui D. (2003), “Quelques éléments pour une ontologie du cyborg”, In: C. Finz (dir.) Le corps comme lieu de métissages. Paris, L’Harmattan, p. 125-142.

Downey, G. L., Dumit, J. et S. Williams (1995) “Cyborg Anthropology”, Cultural Anthropology, 10(2), p. 264-269.

Fraiberg, A. (1991) “Of Aids, Cyborgs, and Other Indiscretions: Resurfacing the Body in the Postmodern”, Postmodern Culture, 1(3),

Gardey, D.  (2009) “Au cœur à corps avec le Manifeste Cyborg de Donna Haraway”, Esprit, n°. 353, p. 208-217.

Graham, E. (1999) “Cyborgs or Goddesses ? Becoming Divine in a Cyberfeminist Age”, Information, Communication & Society, 2(4), p. 419-438.

Hables Gray, C., Figueroa-Sarriera H. J. et S. Mentor (dir.) (1995) A Cyborg Handbook, New York, Routledge.

Hables Gray, C. (1995) “An Interview with Manfred E. Clynes”, In Hables Gray, C., Figueroa-Sarriera H. J. et S. Mentor (dir.) A Cyborg Handbook, New York, Routledge, p. 43-54.

Hables Gray, C. (2003) “Posthuman Soldiers in Postmodern War”, Body and Society, 9(4), p. 215-226.

Haraway, D. (1978) “Animal Sociology and a Natural Economy of the Body Politic”, Signs, 4(1), p. 21-60.

Haraway, D. (1981) “In the Beginning was the Word: The Genesis of Biological Theory”, Signs, 6(3), p. 469-481.

Haraway, D. (1985) “Manifesto for Cyborgs : Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s”, Socialist Review, 80, p. 65-108.

Haraway, D. (1986) “Primatology is Politics by Other Means : A Woman’s Place in the Jungle”, In : PSA 1984 : Proceedings of the 1984 Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association – vol. 2, East Lansing, Philosophy of Science Association, p. 77-118.

Haraway, D. (1988) “Remodeling the Human Way of Life : Sherwood Washburn and Physical Anthropology”, In : G. W. Stocking (dir.) Bones, Bodies, Behavior : Essays in Biological Anthropology – History of Anthropology Series – vol. 5, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, p. 206-259.

Haraway, D. (1989) “The Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies: Determinations of Self in Immune Systems Discourse”, Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 1(1), p. 3-43.

Haraway, D. (1991) “A Cyborg Manifesto : Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism at the Close of the 20th Century”, In : Id. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, Londres, Free Association Books, p. 149-181.

Kline, N.S. et M. Clynes (1960) “Drugs, Space, and Cybernetics : Evolution to Cyborgs”, Psychophysiological Aspects of Space Travel. New York, Columbia UP, p. 331-344.

Malik, S. (2001) “The Cyborg Fifteen Years On : Five Complaints”, Mute, 20, p. 10-11.

Mann S. et H. Niedzviecki (2001) Cyborg : Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer, Toronto, Doubleday Canada.

Morse, M. (1994) “What do Cyborgs Eat ? Oral Logic in an Information Society”, In : G. Bender et T. Druckrey (dir.) Culture on the Brink: Ideologies of Technology, Seattle, Bay Press, p. 157-204.

Morse, M. (2005) “Sunshine and Shroud : Cyborg Bodies and the Collective and Personal Self”,  MedienKunstNetz,

Picon, A. La Ville territoire des Cyborgs, Besançon, les Éditions de l’imprimeur, 1998.

Stableford, B. (1993) “Cyborg”, In: J. Clute et P. Nicholls (dir.) Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, New York, St. Martin’s Press, p. 291.

Toffler, A. (1970) Future Shock, New York, Random House.