So here’s the powerpoint presentation of yesterday’s LSE seminar. I want to thank the students and faculty of the Institute of Social Psychology for having me. A special thank you to Prof. Sandra Jovchelovitch and Prof. Saadi Lahlou for the flattering introduction and for the stimulating discussion about the many methodological, ethical and theoretical challenges associated to research on pro-ana websites.
Some of the questions that emerged during the discussion are addressed in the presentation itself. For those willing to develop the other points, I provide a few bibliographic references on the following topics: (1) pro-ana and pro-mia online communities; (2) online ethnographies and network analysis; (3) ethics of online research; (4) privacy in social media; (5) agent-based modelling and social simulation. These references have been collected in collaboration with Pedro Araya (EHESS, Paris) and Paola Tubaro (U. of Greenwich).
If you want to cite this presentation please use the following format:
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