April, the poet said, is the cruellest month. But March is definitely the most hectic. A lot of work and travelling, on my side. And a couple of good news.
First, we have a title! Yes, Dear Reader. As you know, this blog is the companion to an upcoming book, which will be issued in September 2010 by the French publishing house Editions du Seuil. After some tentative research and a little bargaining, the publisher and I found an agreement. So, here’s for you the complete reference for the book:
Antonio A. Casilli (2010) Les Liaisons Numériques. Vers une nouvelle sociabilité? [“The Digital Liaisons. Towards a new sociability?”], Paris: Seuil, pp. 210.
It will be published in the book series La couleur des idées, which means I’ll be in good company: my place in the catalogue will be somewhere between Bateson and Castoriadis.
We also negotiated another very important thing: the rights on the electronic version of the book. Despite the publisher’s policy to have eBook versions only for classics (and not for new titles), mine’s gonna have the privilege to be published both on paper and on screen. The least one would expect, given the topic…
Now of course a lot of thing’s gonna change for this blog, too. Liaisonsnumeriques.fr, a new website, will be soon put online. This one will focus on the book, and it will contain samples, presentations, press clippings and other goodies. Some content will be moved there, some will stay here. We’re still working on that. Stay tuned, and thank you merci grazie for your unrelentless support.