Month: April 2009

Hidden track # 3: The World/Inferno Friendship Society linkfest
Take a broken-hearted Jersey-born Brooklynite, a bearded saxophonist, an accordionist, a rude chick playing bass guitar, The Dresden Dolls former… read more Hidden track # 3: The World/Inferno Friendship Society linkfest
Wisconsin student twitters his way to PhD in biomedical engineering
First off this video: What is it all about? Just another day in the Twitter-crazed US media landscape: a high-profiled… read more Wisconsin student twitters his way to PhD in biomedical engineering

Support Prof. Horacio Potel!, or a portrait of the philosopher as a pirate
Addendum, Nov 14, 2009: As of today, we salute the recent decision of the Argentinian court dropping the charges against… read more Support Prof. Horacio Potel!, or a portrait of the philosopher as a pirate
Journée d'étude Approches ethnographiques du Web
JOURNEE D’ETUDE 5 MAI 2009 PRATIQUES ETHNOGRAPHIQUES SUR INTERNET 9H-18H Salle A2 de l’ École Normale Supérieure – Campus Jourdan,… read more Journée d'étude Approches ethnographiques du Web

What kind of government rules over the Facebook nation?
(from The Wired Campus, April 20, 2009 Jonathan Zittrain: A Bill of Rights for the Facebook Nation) […] in mid-February, Facebook… read more What kind of government rules over the Facebook nation?
New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!
By Antonio A. Casilli (Centre Edgar-Morin, EHESS, Paris) After putting online a post that satirized an article claiming that electronic… read more New discovery: actually Internet CURES cancer!!!
Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism
The director of NetLab at the University of Toronto, Barry Wellman has a reputation for being a pragmatic, rigurous, and… read more Canadian sociologist Barry Wellman's lecture on Networked Individualism
CfP: Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics
Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics Workshop at the 4th International Conference on Communities and Technologies… read more CfP: Digital Cities 6: Concepts, Methods and Systems of Urban Informatics
Powerpoint de notre intervention au 3e Congrès de l’AFS (Association Française de Sociologie)
Voilà la présentation powerpoint de l’intervention d’aujourd’hui au troisième Congrès de l’AFS (Association Française de Sociologie). Ici de suite, quelques… read more Powerpoint de notre intervention au 3e Congrès de l’AFS (Association Française de Sociologie)

Third AFS congress Paris April 2009
Aujourd’hui première journée du troisième Congrès de l’AFS (Association Française de Sociologie) à l’université Paris Diderot. Nothing personal.